spi-general - July 1999

General discussions related to Software in the Public Interest

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July 1, 1999

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is debian a trademarked? Hanno 'Rince' Wagner 14:44
Re: is debian a trademarked? Darren O. Benham 15:31

July 3, 1999

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Re: is debian a trademarked? Wichert Akkerman 18:12

July 19, 1999

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Bylaws Revision: BOD, Officers, Amendments [2] Nils Lohner 11:18

July 20, 1999

Thread Author Time
Re: Bylaws Revision: BOD, Officers, Amendments [2] Darren O. Benham 17:40
Re: Bylaws Revision: BOD, Officers, Amendments [2] Ean R . Schuessler 22:09

July 22, 1999

Thread Author Time
Re: Bylaws Revision: BOD, Officers, Amendments [2] Nils Lohner 07:12
Changes for the Bylaws Nils Lohner 12:19
Re: Changes for the Bylaws Darren O. Benham 18:17

July 23, 1999

Thread Author Time
Re: Changes for the Bylaws Nils Lohner 07:54
Re: Changes for the Bylaws Darren O. Benham 08:07

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