HedgeLender Nonrecourse
Securities Loan Programs for Equities Owners

Fast Funding Against
a Wide Range of Securities Since 1999


HedgeLoans - nonrecourse (walkaway from repayment) loans collateralized by securities secured through investment grade, private counterparties - are available for equities in the United States and most major foreign markets.


There's a secure HedgeLoan program for your portfolio. We have a range of programs tailored to free-trading government, corporate, municipal, and special purpose equities.


Customize your securities HedgeLoan. Choose from among our full featured nonrecourse, programs with up to 90% loan-to-value, full upside appreciation to your account, and low interest rates – with dividends credited against interest!


Fast funding in a matter of days... three days cash wires.


If you are curious as to whether your equities will qualify, simply drop us an e-mail and let us know. You can also give us a call at 1.800-244.7616.


Open to foreign securities holders. Borrowers from outside the U.S. may use securities trading on EC and selected Asian exchanges, and may receive their loan funds in U.S. or local currency, provided that all actions and steps are in compliance with the U.S. Patriot Act and local national law and regulation.


Avoid selling; Obtain cash against your securities without waiting until maturity. Our securities HedgeLoan can be an excellent alternative to the tax and investment consequences of an outright sale; you always remain beneficial owner with a HedgeLoan.


Secure, proven, trusted. HedgeLender is recognized in the industry for its professionalism and skill, having earned a reputation for security, compliance, and service in the hedged portfolio equities industry.

Copyright 2005-2006 © HedgeLende, ,LLC. 1-800-244-7616. All rights reserved.

HedgeLoan(sm) is a proprietary mark of HedgeLender, LLC. a registered Pennsylvania limited liability company. HedgeLender Corporation is a provider of securities liquidity services for individual and institutional clients, and does not offer any form of investment (buy or sell), tax counseling, estate planning, or any other securities, equities, or other financial advice whatsoever. No information or statement by any HedgeLender associate, representative, or staff shall be construed as such advice. Resolution of any potential legal or tax issues involving HedgeLoan financing should be carried out by the licensed attorneys, accountants or other professional advisors of each individual client. More information on current closed transactions by HedgeLender Corporation available by request. To be removed from future mailings please reply to this email with the word "remove" in the subject line. We apologize for any inconvenience for misdirected emails.




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