WHEREAS the Board memberships of Ian Jackson and Martin Schulze have reached the end of their 3 year terms as directors and Manoj Srivastava has resigned from his position as director and the board now consists of only 7 members; WHEREAS the membership of the board of directors must remain between 8 and 12 in accordance with the constitution; WHEREAS Software in the Public Interest Inc.'s by-laws require the Board of directors to be accountable to the membership; IT IS RESOLVED THAT, The Board of Directors calls an election of the contributing membership for three seats on the board of directors. The election shall be held in the following manner: * The election shall be organized and overseen by the SPI secretary; * A voting period should begin 30 days after this resolution is passed and have a duration of 14 days; * Candidates must be SPI contributing members. Candidates must declare their intention to run by submitting a position statement to the SPI secretary by a date before the beginning of the election and determined and publicly announced by the secretary; * The voting shall take place on the Software in the Public Interest web site using the Condorcet election method; * The results of the election will be verified and announced by the SPI secretary no more than 7 days after voting has ended. * The three most preferred candidates, as determined by the method stated above, will be named to the board of directors of Software in the Public Interest, Inc. before the next meeting of the SPI board of directors.