> Not sure what other projects use. SPI uses Google Suite if memory serves me right, Celestin would know more. I think FreedroidRPG uses Gandi when they provided free mailboxes and forwards, but I am not sure if Gandi still does that.
SPI relies on Google's SMTP servers to emit emails, and on an internal deployment of PGLister and PGArchives for mailing lists.
PGLister: https://gitlab.com/pglister/pglister
PGLister with my patches (necessary for new deployment) + documentation: https://gitlab.com/cmatte/pglister
PGArchives: https://github.com/postgres/pgarchives
PGArchives with my patches (various additions, e.g. making search work): https://gitlab.com/cmatte/pgarchives/
Ansible deployment script: https://gitlab.com/cmatte/ansible-pglister
Célestin Matte