Re: Notes from SPI Workshop @ Debconf

Lists: spi-general
From: "Benj(dot) Mako Hill" <mako(at)debian(dot)org>
To: spi-general(at)lists(dot)spi-inc(dot)org, debconf(at)skolelinux(dot)no
Subject: Notes from SPI Workshop @ Debconf
Date: 2003-07-25 22:58:53
Message-ID: 20030725225851.GZ24155@nozomi
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Lists: spi-general


I've put together and attached a set of notes from the SPI workshop
that I ran on the first night (2003-07-18) of Debconf. The notes are
still a little raw although I've gone over them a couple times to edit
them for organization, redundancy and formatting. Please keep in mind
that they are still notes and not a report.

The basic structure of the notes and the workshop was as follows:

I. Introduction to SPI (slide show)
A. Member projects and Goals
B. Debian and SPI
C. Membership
D. Questions and Comments

II. Old Business
A. By-laws ctte.
B. Board seats
C. Electronic Donations
D. Trademark ctte.
E. Discussion

III. New Business
A. Baby (regional) SPIs
1. Questions and Comments
2. Other funding comments and ideas
B. Debian Foundation
C. New member projects

IV. General Questions and Comments

The sections in the notes are not numbered but they do fall in the
order I've listed them above.

Theoretically, we've got video and audio of this although there are
technical issues with the recordings (the levels are quiet low
evidently) that may or may not be resolvable. We will just have to
wait on that and I'll post anything that I get.

Huge thanks go to Gunnar Wolf and Michael Banck who typed up the raw
notes and to everyone that participated in the session by attending or

Please followup on spi-general if you have questions, comments, or
want to continue the discussion. I think it was a very productive
session and I'm looking forward to continuing with some of the
momentum we picked up there.


Benj. Mako Hill

Attachment Content-Type Size
spi_workshop_notes-20030718.txt text/plain 18.3 KB

From: Tore Anderson <tore(at)linpro(dot)no>
To: spi-general(at)lists(dot)spi-inc(dot)org
Subject: Re: Notes from SPI Workshop @ Debconf
Date: 2003-07-25 23:35:18
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Lists: spi-general

* Benj. Mako Hill

Just for the record;

> Tudar: re Enrico: There are already too many organization around
> where he should participate in. SPI should cooperate wherever
> possible.

This was my comment, not «Tudar»'s, and

> tore: Does SPI have an idea on how to spend a lot money -- I
> don't think so..

> tore: Skolelinux gets 500k dollars, how to best spend it? Spend it
> in the best way possible, by supporting debian in order to get
> skolelinux better.

both of these were, if my memory serves me right, Petter
Reinholdtsen's comments, not mine.

Tore Anderson