Meeting log for 2009-08-19

Lists: spi-general
From: MJ Ray <mjr(at)phonecoop(dot)coop>
To: spi-general(at)lists(dot)spi-inc(dot)org
Subject: Meeting log for 2009-08-19
Date: 2009-08-20 07:26:41
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Lists: spi-general

Three officers continue, secretary will change part-way through the
year and email discussions promised on accounting method, goals and
the website. Also the start of a discussion about changing the meeting
time to fit the new board members better.


[item 1, Opening]

<bdale> Today's agenda and details of pending resolutions can be found
on the web at:

[item 2, Roll Call]
21:00:09 <cdlu> David Graham
21:00:10 <Noodles> Jonathan McDowell
21:00:12 <bdale> Bdale Garbee
21:00:14 <schultmc> Michael Schultheiss
21:00:29 <Hydroxide> Jimmy Kaplowitz
21:00:30 <linuxpoet> Joshua Drake
21:00:46 <Ganneff> Joerg Jaspert
21:02:33 <zobel> Martin Zobel-Helas

[item 3, President's Report]

<bdale> Last month, I spent two weeks in Spain and Portugal, attending
Debconf9 and DebianDayPT with my daughter Elizabeth. We had what I
think was a very successful SPI BOF at Debconf, and it was good seeing
the other SPI board members who were present there again in person.
Joerg, is there video of that BOF available? If so, perhaps we can
point to it. I don't believe any action items worthy of report here
came out of that BOF, though.

<bdale> Before our next meeting, my only travel related to Free
Software will be a brief appearance at the RH Summit in Chicago to
speak on behalf of HP. I've also had various emails back and forth
with representatives of potential associated projects this month, but
nothing worth reporting here yet.

<Hydroxide> both high and low quality Ogg Theora videos can be gotten

[item 4, Treasurer's Report]

<schultmc> A fairly routine report is in the agenda. I'm pleased to
note that Debian has spent a good portion of its funds - I encourage
other projects to not hoard funds. I haven't had time to switch [to
accrual accounting] yet - it's still under consideration.

<bdale> yes, good topic for an email thread

[item 5, Secretary's report]

<Hydroxide> I have a couple of remarks about the 2009 elections in the
agenda - I want to say them here to. Thanks to Maulkin for your
recently completed Board service, and welcome to Noodles as a new
board member. and Thanks to G_SabinoMullane for running. there is
also a status update on OSUNIX in the agenda

[item 6, Outstanding minutes]

<Hydroxide> thanks to zobel and Maulkin for doing the overdue minutes
from before my term as Secretary

voting results for "June 18th, 2008 minutes": Yes: 4, Abstain: 4

voting results for "July 2nd, 2008 minutes": Yes: 5, Abstain: 3

voting results for "August 20th, 2008 minutes": Yes: 5, Abstain: 3

voting results for "July 8th, 2009 minutes": Yes: 6, Abstain: 2

[item 7, Items up for discussion]

[item 7.1, SPI Board Elections]

<bdale> I believe we have uncontested candidates for re-election to
three of our four positions, and no volunteers yet to replace Jimmy as
President Bdale Garbee;
Vice President Joerg Jaspert;
Treasurer Michael Schultheiss.

<bdale> Does anyone else on the board want to nominate for the three
positions we have candidates for? If so, that's fine, and we can vote
individually for any contested positions. If not, then I'll be
inclined to move that we vote to accept the candidates for those three
positions and focus our attention on the position of Secretary.

voting results for "approve bdale as president, Ganneff as VP, and
schultmc as treasurer for 2009-2010": Yes: 8

voting results for "approve zobel as Secretary through November 30 and
Noodles as Secretary starting December 1": Yes: 8

[item 8, Any other business]

<linuxpoet> 1. What is the status on the new website?
<Hydroxide> linuxpoet: stalled for lack of available man-hours.
<slef> need write access to git still
<Ganneff> well, we can sort this out of meeting.

<linuxpoet> 2. I think as a board we should try and set some actual
goals for the next year
<bdale> I agree that a goals discussion would be good via email
<linuxpoet> I just wanted it on record that we need to get together
and pick a couple of things to accomplish :)

[item 9, Next board meeting]

<bdale> I'm ok with moving to 2nd Wed, but let's do it for Oct and
beyond so folks have time to check calendars, etc

<bdale> we'll keep 16th Sept at 20:00 for the next meeting


21:00:01 <bdale> *GAVEL*
21:00:01 <bdale> [item 1, Opening] Welcome to today's Software in the Public Interest board of directors meeting, which is now called to order.
21:00:01 <bdale> Today's agenda and details of pending resolutions can be found on the web at:
21:00:01 <bdale> [item 2, Roll Call]
21:00:01 <bdale> Board members, please state your name for the record. As we have nine board members, quorum for today's meeting is six.
21:00:04 <bdale> Guests (including board advisors), please /msg your names to Hydroxide if you wish your attendance to be recorded in the minutes of this meeting.
21:00:06 <cdlu> quoruDavid Graham
21:00:07 <cdlu> erm.
21:00:09 <cdlu> David Graham
21:00:10 <Noodles> Jonathan McDowell
21:00:12 <bdale> Bdale Garbee
21:00:14 <schultmc> Michael Schultheiss
21:00:19 <cdlu> Noodles, welcome a-board :)
21:00:29 <Hydroxide> Jimmy Kaplowitz
21:00:30 <linuxpoet> Joshua Drake
21:00:41 <bdale> cool. quorum.
21:00:46 <Ganneff> Joerg Jaspert
21:00:46 <bdale> Ganneff: poke
21:00:49 <cdlu> less than a minute in, too!
21:00:57 <bdale> who are we missing?
21:01:09 <Noodles> luk.
21:01:10 <schultmc> zobel and luk
21:01:11 <Ganneff> zobel, luk
21:01:22 <Hydroxide> luk__: ping
21:01:26 <bdale> I don't recall seeing regrets from either?
21:01:27 <Hydroxide> (yay underscores)
21:01:51 <Hydroxide> I don't think I saw regrets, though I will check the logs from last meeting before noting them as such in this meeting's minutes
21:01:57 <bdale> ok
21:02:19 <bdale> since we have quorum, I'm inclined to proceed. perhaps they'll join us before we have something to vote on...
21:02:25 <Hydroxide> they're just dodging secretarial duties :)
21:02:30 <linuxpoet> hahahahahaha
21:02:33 <zobel> Martin Zobel-Helas
21:02:38 <Hydroxide> zobel: hi there
21:02:41 <cdlu> hehe
21:02:53 <zobel> sorry for being late. laptop rebooted because of power low.
21:02:56 <bdale> np
21:03:02 <bdale> [item 3, President's Report]
21:03:02 <bdale> Last month, I spent two weeks in Spain and Portugal, attending Debconf9 and DebianDayPT with my daughter Elizabeth. We had what I think was a very
21:03:02 <bdale> successful SPI BOF at Debconf, and it was good seeing the other SPI board members who were present there again in person. Joerg, is there video of
21:03:02 <bdale> that BOF available? If so, perhaps we can point to it. I don't believe any action items worthy of report here came out of that BOF, though.
21:03:03 <bdale> Before our next meeting, my only travel related to Free Software will be a brief appearance at the RH Summit in Chicago to speak on behalf of HP.
21:03:06 <bdale> I've also had various emails back and forth with representatives of potential associated projects this month, but nothing worth reporting here yet.
21:03:24 <bdale> any questions?
21:03:25 <Ganneff> it was taped, i dont know if thats up yet
21:03:55 <bdale> ok
21:04:02 <Hydroxide> yes, it's up
21:04:08 <zobel> fully?
21:04:24 <Hydroxide> both high and low quality Ogg Theora videos can be gotten at
21:04:31 <bdale> cool
21:04:35 <Hydroxide> zobel: some of the videos are fully up, and I think that one is
21:04:39 - tech404!~evan(at)southernae(dot)com has quit [Quit: Leaving]
21:04:43 <bdale> anything else before I move on?
21:05:02 <bdale> [item 4, Treasurer's Report]
21:05:02 <bdale> Michael?
21:05:16 <schultmc> A fairly routine report is in the agenda
21:05:22 <bdale> noted
21:05:28 <Hydroxide> thanks.
21:05:39 <bdale> anything else to add?
21:05:40 <Hydroxide> schultmc: last month you talked about considering a switch to accrual accounting
21:05:45 <Hydroxide> schultmc: have you given that any more thought, or no?
21:05:49 <schultmc> I'm pleased to note that Debian has spent a good portion of its funds - I encourage other projects to not hoard funds
21:05:52 <Hydroxide> schultmc: just checking status, not trying to prod
21:06:08 <schultmc> Hydroxide: I haven't had time to switch yet - it's still under consideration
21:06:13 <linuxpoet> I would suggest against it
21:06:16 <Hydroxide> schultmc: ok
21:06:42 <bdale> frankly, I find cash basis easier to comprehend and explain unless there's some compelling reason to switch
21:07:05 <Hydroxide> we shouldn't start a long discussion in-meeting now about this, but I'd be interested in discussing pros and cons outside of the meeting, without usurping the decision from the treasurer of course
21:07:09 <linuxpoet> agreed
21:07:20 <bdale> yes, good topic for an email thread
21:07:20 - MrBeige!~richard(at)c-76-30-67-89(dot)hsd1(dot)tx(dot)comcast(dot)net has joined #spi
21:07:22 <Hydroxide> moving on?
21:07:25 <schultmc> only reason I can think of is to easier account for incoming donations that haven't been deposited yet but I agree we can discuss elsewhere
21:07:46 <bdale> schultmc: ok, thanks for the routine report ... very happy that those are indeed routine now!
21:07:48 <bdale> [item 5, Secretary's report]
21:07:48 <bdale> Jimmy?
21:08:32 <Hydroxide> I have a couple of remarks about the 2009 elections in the agenda - I want to say them here to. Thanks to Maulkin for your recently completed Board service, and welcome to Noodles as a new board member. and Thanks to G_SabinoMullane for running
21:08:42 <Hydroxide> there is also a status update on OSUNIX in the agenda
21:08:45 <Hydroxide> any questions?
21:09:00 <bdale> nope
21:09:05 <bdale> anyone else?
21:09:26 <bdale> [item 6, Outstanding minutes]
21:09:26 <bdale> Jimmy, looks like we might be able to catch up today?
21:09:28 <Noodles> Is the OSUNIX stuff from pre my arrival on the board somewhere I can read assuming we get an update for September?
21:09:49 <Hydroxide> Noodles: yes, you will get access to all the past board email archives
21:09:55 <Noodles> Ok, cool.
21:10:02 <Hydroxide> bdale: 100% catchup, yes. no backlog!
21:10:07 <Ganneff> ay. should give you your machine account soon
21:10:21 <Hydroxide> thanks to zobel and Maulkin for doing the overdue minutes from before my term as Secretary
21:10:26 <bdale> indeed!
21:10:28 <Hydroxide> I prepared last month's as usual
21:10:44 <bdale> so, want to step through them in order?
21:11:14 <zobel> vote for them in bulk? :)
21:11:15 <Hydroxide> sure
21:11:23 <Hydroxide> zobel: not everyone was at every meeting, so can't
21:11:30 <Hydroxide> non-attendees usually abstain
21:11:34 <bdale> yes
21:11:35 - omong_kosong!~omongkoso(at)pD955E3B1(dot)dip(dot)t-dialin(dot)net has joined #spi
21:11:38 <bdale> let's step through one at a time
21:11:49 <Hydroxide> Voting started, 8 people (bdale,ganneff,schultmc,hydroxide,zobel,noodles,cdlu,linuxpoet) allowed to vote on June 18th, 2008 minutes. - You may vote yes/no/abstain only, type !vote $yourchoice now.
21:12:00 <bdale> !vote abstain
21:12:02 <linuxpoet> !vote abstain
21:12:06 <Noodles> !vote abstain
21:12:06 <cdlu> !vote yes
21:12:06 <Hydroxide> !vote abstain
21:12:06 <schultmc> !vote yes
21:12:12 <zobel> !vote yes
21:12:16 <Ganneff> !vote yes
21:12:35 <Hydroxide> Current voting results for "June 18th, 2008 minutes": Yes: 4, No: 0, Abstain: 4, Missing: 0 ()
21:12:38 <Hydroxide> Voting for "June 18th, 2008 minutes" closed.
21:12:43 <Hydroxide> heh, that counts as passing I'd say, very unusually so :)
21:12:49 <bdale> yes, passed
21:12:58 <Hydroxide> Voting started, 8 people (bdale,ganneff,schultmc,hydroxide,zobel,noodles,cdlu,linuxpoet) allowed to vote on July 2nd, 2008 minutes. - You may vote yes/no/abstain only, type !vote $yourchoice now.
21:13:04 <schultmc> !vote yes
21:13:07 <bdale> !vote abstain
21:13:07 <cdlu> !vote yes
21:13:08 <Noodles> !vote abstain
21:13:15 <Ganneff> !vote yes
21:13:17 <zobel> !vote yes
21:13:24 <Hydroxide> um, wait, I'm not listed in any category
21:13:28 <linuxpoet> !vote abstain
21:13:53 <cdlu> hydroxide, put yourself in as present -- you voted in that meeting. :)
21:13:59 <Hydroxide> I spoke up in roll call too
21:14:02 <Hydroxide> with that correction...
21:14:04 <Hydroxide> !vote yes
21:14:25 <Hydroxide> Current voting results for "July 2nd, 2008 minutes": Yes: 5, No: 0, Abstain: 3, Missing: 0 ()
21:14:29 <Hydroxide> Voting for "July 2nd, 2008 minutes" closed.
21:14:46 <Hydroxide> Voting started, 8 people (bdale,ganneff,schultmc,hydroxide,zobel,noodles,cdlu,linuxpoet) allowed to vote on August 20th, 2008 minutes. - You may vote yes/no/abstain only, type !vote $yourchoice now.
21:14:54 <linuxpoet> !vote abstain
21:14:57 <bdale> !vote abstain
21:14:57 <zobel> !vote yes
21:15:00 <Hydroxide> !vote yes
21:15:01 <Noodles> !vote abstain
21:15:01 <schultmc> !vote yes
21:15:04 <Ganneff> !vote yes
21:15:11 <cdlu> there are only 8 board members listed on that one as well
21:15:21 <Hydroxide> cdlu: good catch
21:15:51 <Hydroxide> zobel: can you check the log? (we should link it from the minutes, normally)
21:15:52 <cdlu> with linuxpoet missing
21:15:57 <Hydroxide> cdlu: ok
21:16:03 <Hydroxide> will note the correction
21:16:09 <Hydroxide> with that...
21:16:15 <Hydroxide> !vote yes
21:16:16 <cdlu> !vote yes, when corrected :)
21:16:22 <Hydroxide> oh I voted already
21:16:31 <Hydroxide> cdlu: can you do the vote without the suffix?
21:16:32 <zobel> Hydroxide: i can mail you the logs, if needed
21:16:34 <Hydroxide> I'll put in the correction
21:16:36 <Hydroxide> zobel: would be good
21:16:43 <cdlu> !vote yes
21:16:44 <zobel> after the meeting
21:16:46 <Hydroxide> zobel: yep
21:16:49 <Hydroxide> Current voting results for "August 20th, 2008 minutes": Yes: 5, No: 0, Abstain: 3, Missing: 0 ()
21:16:52 <Hydroxide> Voting for "August 20th, 2008 minutes" closed.
21:16:55 <Hydroxide> last one guys :) last month's
21:17:10 <Hydroxide> Voting started, 8 people (bdale,ganneff,schultmc,hydroxide,zobel,noodles,cdlu,linuxpoet) allowed to vote on July 8th, 2009 minutes. - You may vote yes/no/abstain only, type !vote $yourchoice now.
21:17:15 <schultmc> !vote yes
21:17:17 <Hydroxide> !vote yes
21:17:18 <bdale> !vote yes
21:17:18 <Noodles> !vote yes
21:17:21 <cdlu> !vote abstain
21:17:28 <linuxpoet> !vote abstain
21:17:34 <Ganneff> !vote yes
21:17:35 <Hydroxide> Noodles: your first non-abstention vote :)
21:17:51 <zobel> !vote yes
21:17:53 <Noodles> I actually remember as far back as last month. ;)
21:17:57 <cdlu> hehe
21:18:00 <Hydroxide> Current voting results for "July 8th, 2009 minutes": Yes: 6, No: 0, Abstain: 2, Missing: 0 ()
21:18:03 <Hydroxide> Voting for "July 8th, 2009 minutes" closed.
21:18:11 <Hydroxide> Noodles: the meeting minutes list you as a registered guest, so I knew you were there
21:18:21 <Hydroxide> ok, all four minutes approved, two with attendance corrections
21:18:24 <Hydroxide> next?
21:18:30 <bdale> \o/ thanks to all involved, it's great to be caught up before we change officers!
21:18:33 <Hydroxide> yes!
21:18:44 <bdale> [item 7, Items up for discussion]
21:18:44 <bdale> [item 7.1, SPI Board Elections]
21:18:44 <bdale> I believe we have uncontested candidates for re-election to three of our four positions, and no volunteers yet to replace Jimmy as Secretary:
21:18:44 <bdale> President Bdale Garbee
21:18:45 <bdale> Vice President Joerg Jaspert
21:18:45 <bdale> Treasurer Michael Schultheiss
21:18:47 <bdale> Secretary ?
21:18:49 <bdale> Does anyone else on the board want to nominate for the three positions we have candidates for? If so, that's fine, and we can vote individually
21:18:52 <bdale> for any contested positions. If not, then I'll be inclined to move that we vote to accept the candidates for those three positions and focus our
21:18:57 <bdale> attention on the position of Secretary. Thoughts?
21:19:07 <schultmc> sounds good to me
21:19:12 <Noodles> Likewise.
21:19:13 <Hydroxide> I'm fine with that
21:19:17 <Ganneff> go
21:19:33 <zobel> go
21:19:50 <Hydroxide> Voting started, 8 people (bdale,ganneff,schultmc,hydroxide,zobel,noodles,cdlu,linuxpoet) allowed to vote on approve bdale as president, Ganneff as VP, and schultmc as treasurer for 2009-2010. - You may vote yes/no/abstain only, type !vote $yourchoice now.
21:20:00 <schultmc> !vote yes
21:20:01 <linuxpoet> !vote yes
21:20:02 <Hydroxide> !vote yes
21:20:04 <Ganneff> !vote yes
21:20:05 <Noodles> !vote yes
21:20:05 <cdlu> !vote yes
21:20:05 <bdale> !vote yes
21:20:11 * cdlu applies large rubber stamp
21:20:20 <zobel> !VOTE YES
21:20:33 <Hydroxide> zobel: lowercase plz?
21:20:40 * bdale lol
21:20:42 <linuxpoet> apparently zobel is enthusiastic
21:20:45 <Hydroxide> (the script is probably case-sensitive)
21:20:49 <zobel> !vote yes
21:20:51 <Ganneff> i thought i had a /i in the match
21:20:54 <Hydroxide> Current voting results for "approve bdale as president, Ganneff as VP, and schultmc as treasurer for 2009-2010": Yes: 8, No: 0, Abstain: 0, Missing: 0 ()
21:20:56 * cdlu nominates zobel for secretary for his enthusiasm :)
21:20:57 <Hydroxide> Voting for "approve bdale as president, Ganneff as VP, and schultmc as treasurer for 2009-2010" closed.
21:21:00 <Hydroxide> Ganneff: you might - I didn't check
21:21:10 <Hydroxide> ok, we have 3/4 of our officers. thanks to them!
21:21:24 * Ganneff goes to party. all done.
21:21:25 <Ganneff> :)
21:21:26 <bdale> ok, thanks for the vote of confidence for continuation of existing officers. now, the floor is open for nominations for Secretary
21:21:39 * linuxpoet hears crickets
21:21:43 <zobel> cdlu: no, thanks
21:21:46 * Hydroxide notes before anyone wonders that the officers switch over at the end of the meeting, so I'm still stuck until the end of it. and I'm responsible for this meeting's minutes, but not next meeting's agenda
21:21:48 <bdale> frankly, the positions of Sec and Tres are the two most important officer positions we have
21:22:04 <Ganneff> si
21:22:32 <Noodles> I don't think it's wise for me to jump into Sec right at the start; I'm not adverse to considering it down the line though.
21:22:38 <bdale> I noted some discussion before the meeting about possible division of labor, which is fine, but we need a named Secretary to ringlead such activity and handle the things that don't divide well
21:22:39 <zobel> cdlu: i will not stand, as we are expecting the second child in december, i am already low in time, so no.
21:22:43 * Hydroxide notes for the record that the reason he's stepping down is due to an anticipated significant increase in outside committments - it's not such an onerous job otherwise, at least while you haven't done it for long enough to get sick of it
21:22:57 * cdlu served two years as secretary already and really doesn't want the job back
21:23:04 <cdlu> however
21:23:15 <cdlu> bdale, if nobody wants the job, as appears to be the case, I hearby move that we move to a rotating secretary
21:23:22 <cdlu> for the 6 non-executive members
21:23:29 <cdlu> each would take responsibility for 2 meetings (agenda/minutes)
21:23:45 <bdale> does that pose a bylaws issue?
21:23:46 <cdlu> if there's a seconder, or someone has a better idea...
21:23:53 <linuxpoet> I don't thing we can do that
21:23:58 <bdale> I'm not categorically opposed, but I'm not enthusiastic, either
21:24:00 <Hydroxide> I'll note that there's nothing preventing Pres/VP/Treas from also being secretary... and, the bylaws do require someone to be secretary
21:24:03 <cdlu> bdale, we'd probably still need to give someone the title
21:24:06 <cdlu> and just have the responsibility rotate
21:24:23 <Hydroxide> but there's also nothing preventing the secretary from delegating responsibilities on a rotating/divided basis
21:24:36 <bdale> so, as stated above, I'm totally cool with rotating various responsibilities, but what we need today is to elect a named Secretary to fill the role
21:25:02 <zobel> i would do until the baby is born (expeacted in december). but after that: no.
21:25:09 <bdale> I don't think there's an absolute requirement that it be a board member, but that has been our custom
21:25:14 <Hydroxide> bdale / Ganneff: does either of you have the time to do it? it really does tie into running the meeting
21:25:20 <zobel> s/expeacted/expected/
21:25:22 <Hydroxide> bdale: there is an absolute requirement, actually. it's in the bylaws
21:25:27 <Ganneff> im not up to be secretary
21:25:37 <Noodles> If zobel can do it for 3 months that tides us over for a while?
21:25:42 * cdlu . o O ( hot potato )
21:25:42 <bdale> hrm
21:25:49 <Ganneff> zobel and noodles together?
21:25:55 <Ganneff> noodles learning to take over in dec?
21:26:00 <zobel> or that way.
21:26:01 * linuxpoet wonders if any of the other officers are willing
21:26:17 <cdlu> I'm good with that if zobel and Noodles are both up for it
21:26:19 <Hydroxide> bdale: second sentence of penultimate paragraph, article seven: "The Board of Directors shall select from one of their number a Secretary"
21:26:28 <Noodles> I'm fine with if zobel is.
21:26:31 <bdale> Hydroxide: ok, thanks for checking that
21:26:32 * Ganneff knows he wouldnt do a good job as secretary
21:26:45 * cdlu looks to the expectant parent
21:26:47 <Hydroxide> so could we vote now that zobel is secretary through November 30 and Noodles is Secretary starting December 1?
21:26:55 <Hydroxide> as one vote, to be done with it
21:27:02 <bdale> zobel/Noodles: if you guys are willing, this sounds like a completely workable arrangement to me
21:27:05 <Ganneff> seconded, if zobel wants to
21:27:08 <cdlu> Hydroxide, we could be more ambiguous than that and approve zobel as secretary until he resigns.. then we just rubber stamp noodles
21:27:09 <linuxpoet> fine by me
21:27:11 <cdlu> then it's whenever they feel ready
21:27:28 <Noodles> cdlu: Dude, that means he can just resign straight away! No fair!
21:27:32 <zobel> if Noodles is fine with that.
21:27:33 <bdale> I will of course help, Hydroxide and I routinely chat about questions that come to the Sec that might deserve my attention too
21:27:34 <Ganneff> andf im sure Hydroxide will do a time too until complete take over of zobel
21:27:36 <cdlu> Noodles, :)
21:27:46 <Hydroxide> ok
21:27:55 <Hydroxide> ok, I think it's been seconded, so
21:27:55 <Hydroxide> :
21:27:56 <Noodles> zobel: If you're prepared to do most of it until the end of November I will pay close attention with the aim of taking over after that.
21:28:08 <zobel> okay.
21:28:13 <bdale> \o/
21:28:26 <bdale> Hydroxide: let's vote before they change their minds!
21:28:28 <Hydroxide> Voting started, 8 people (bdale,ganneff,schultmc,hydroxide,zobel,noodles,cdlu,linuxpoet) allowed to vote on approve zobel as Secretary through November 30 and Noodles as Secretary starting December 1. - You may vote yes/no/abstain only, type !vote $yourchoice now.
21:28:33 <cdlu> !vote yes
21:28:35 <Hydroxide> !vote yes
21:28:36 <schultmc> !vote yes
21:28:36 * cdlu sets his vote in stone
21:28:37 <Ganneff> that means both zobel and noodles need accounts on chic then. *note*
21:28:38 <bdale> !vote yes
21:28:41 <Noodles> !vote yes
21:28:42 <Ganneff> !vote yes
21:28:42 <linuxpoet> !vote yes
21:28:45 <bdale> Ganneff: indeed
21:28:47 <zobel> !vote yes
21:28:48 <cdlu> is Noodles on board@ yet?
21:28:49 * Noodles . o O (I blame Maulkin)
21:28:54 <schultmc> cdlu: yes
21:28:55 <Hydroxide> Current voting results for "approve zobel as Secretary through November 30 and Noodles as Secretary starting December 1": Yes: 8, No: 0, Abstain: 0, Missing: 0 ()
21:28:56 <cdlu> k
21:28:58 <Ganneff> cdlu: shouldbe, yes
21:28:58 <Hydroxide> Voting for "approve zobel as Secretary through November 30 and Noodles as Secretary starting December 1" closed.
21:29:13 <bdale> woohoo! thanks, guys, it's very good to have this handled with no greater angst.
21:29:26 <Hydroxide> Thank you all, especially zobel and Noodles! I still plan to participate fully as a non-executive board member, and am happy to answer questions from my successors as Secretary
21:29:26 <Noodles> Yes, I'm receiving mail to spi-board@ just fine.
21:29:31 <cdlu> 'k
21:29:32 * Ganneff will do the account foo a little after the meeting. secretary itselkf can deal with the mail aliases whenever they want to :)
21:29:38 <cdlu> yes, thank you zobel and Noodles. you're brave. :)
21:29:41 <Hydroxide> ok
21:29:44 <bdale> [item 8, Any other business]
21:29:44 <bdale> Do any board members have other items for discussion they would like to address briefly?
21:29:51 <Noodles> The web site still lists Maulkin.
21:29:56 <cdlu> I submitted a resolution for discussion between now and the next meeting
21:29:58 <linuxpoet> I do
21:30:01 <Hydroxide> Noodles: heh. can be fixed of course
21:30:02 <cdlu> if there's feedback quickly I'll forward it to -private
21:30:06 <bdale> linuxpoet: go
21:30:09 * Ganneff just one, known to board@ already: im down in taiwan end of september
21:30:09 <zobel> Ganneff: will you go to asia?
21:30:10 <Noodles> Is that something anyone can easily change? (If someone tells me hwo I'll do it)(
21:30:17 <linuxpoet> Just a couple of things
21:30:22 <Hydroxide> Noodles: we can get you an account on the website. later.
21:30:24 <linuxpoet> 1. What is the status on the new website?
21:30:27 <Ganneff> attending a meeting there and at that time talking with the people and their future
21:30:44 <Hydroxide> linuxpoet: stalled for lack of available man-hours.
21:30:59 <Hydroxide> part of what I don't have time to do - and our volunteer slef was in the same situation last time I checked
21:31:02 <Ganneff> Hydroxide: oh dont be so easy with that website, the last time an account was modified there nearly cost us all of it :)
21:31:05 <linuxpoet> We have had some people showing interest in helping in general. Perhaps it is time we take that to the members
21:31:10 <Hydroxide> Ganneff: haha :)
21:31:25 <Hydroxide> linuxpoet: I think we have asked the members before. I would support a re-inquiry
21:31:26 <Ganneff> im NOT joking. fucking plone and zope
21:31:40 <Hydroxide> Ganneff: I remember. though I think that was from a backup, not from a new account
21:31:42 <slef> need write access to git still
21:31:44 <bdale> I'm willing to help if the move is still intended to be to git+ikiwiki
21:31:49 <linuxpoet> Well I know some members are willing to help with the membership app
21:31:50 <Ganneff> Hydroxide: wrong you are
21:31:54 <Hydroxide> Ganneff: ok
21:32:00 <linuxpoet> I would think they would be willing with the website as well
21:32:04 <Hydroxide> Ganneff: see slef's comment about write access
21:32:14 <Ganneff> uh.
21:32:20 <Ganneff> well, we can sort this out of meeting.
21:32:22 <linuxpoet> 2. I think as a board we should try and set some actual goals for the next year
21:32:23 <bdale> let's take the tech bickering offline, please
21:32:24 <Hydroxide> linuxpoet: can we charge you with rounding up man-hours and associated humans? (not saying they have to be your man-hours beyond that)
21:32:33 * Ganneff just needs 10 minutes there before doing anything...
21:32:35 <linuxpoet> Hydroxide: Yeah I can do that
21:32:39 <Hydroxide> great, decided.
21:32:59 <bdale> linuxpoet: do you have goals in mind?
21:33:18 <bdale> if so, an email thread seems in order
21:33:23 <linuxpoet> bdale: Just some fairly high level obvious ones (more projects, increase in direct donations etc..)
21:33:27 <bdale> that's probably the right way to proceed regardless
21:33:30 <linuxpoet> Oh I would agree that an email thread is in rder
21:33:44 <bdale> I agree that a goals discussion would be good via email
21:33:45 <linuxpoet> I just wanted it on record that we need to get together and pick a couple of things to accomplish :)
21:33:58 <bdale> noted
21:34:03 <linuxpoet> that is all I have
21:34:08 <bdale> cool. anyone else?
21:34:26 <cdlu> just what I mentioned at the start of this section
21:34:44 <bdale> right, I don't think I've seen/read it yet
21:34:45 <Hydroxide> cdlu: anything that's public enough to be discussed here is public enough for -private (or maybe -general if google-indexing isn't a problem)
21:34:57 <Hydroxide> cdlu: that's my feedback so far :) will send more via email
21:35:03 <bdale> ok
21:35:06 <cdlu> yep, I just wouldn't mind initial vetting of it for quality before forwarding :)
21:35:06 <bdale> [item 9, Next board meeting]
21:35:06 <bdale> I believe our next regularly-scheduled monthly meeting should be September 16th at 20:00 UTC. That looks ok to me. Any strong objections?
21:35:15 <Noodles> Works for me.
21:35:21 <cdlu> should be fine
21:35:25 <Hydroxide> Noodles: are 3rd Wednesdays of months at 20:00 UTC generally OK?
21:35:27 <schultmc> fine with me
21:35:34 <Hydroxide> Noodles: that's our default, but I figured we should verify with a new board member
21:35:39 <Ganneff> i wish we could move one week later (in general), but otherwise fine. (3rd wednesdays clash with another meeting i would love to attend)
21:35:42 <Noodles> Generally they should be ok, yes.
21:35:53 <zobel> next meeting?
21:35:58 <Ganneff> or one week earlier. or whatnot. but not strongly pushing for it, would just be nice. :)
21:36:20 <Noodles> I'm busy the last Wednesday of each month (local LUG).
21:36:26 <bdale> let's keep sept 16th
21:36:28 <Hydroxide> second wednesdays would be less likely to conflict with thanksgiving in the US than fourth wednesdays, and don't routinely conflict with any US holiday
21:36:32 <Hydroxide> but yes
21:36:35 <Hydroxide> ok
21:36:39 <Hydroxide> sept 16th it is
21:36:40 <Ganneff> my local lug is whats on third wednesdays for me...
21:36:47 <cdlu> my new job may unpredictably cause me to miss business hours meetings
21:36:52 <Ganneff> always either them or spi
21:36:52 <bdale> Ganneff's input noted
21:36:54 <Noodles> Maybe think about the 2nd Wednesday for October then?
21:37:04 <cdlu> as I can't (easily) be on IRC from work
21:37:07 <Hydroxide> we can decide between now and the end of the September meeting
21:37:26 <bdale> I'm ok with moving to 2nd Wed, but let's do it for Oct and beyond so folks have time to check calendars, etc
21:37:36 <linuxpoet> can we gavel? :)
21:37:41 <bdale> we'll keep 16th Sept at 20:00 for the next meeting
21:37:44 <bdale> Ok, thank you to everyone present for participating today.
21:37:44 <bdale> *GAVEL*

Hope that helps,
MJ Ray (slef) LMS developer and webmaster at | software | .... co
IMO only: see | .... op