Meeting log for 2011-05-11

Lists: spi-general
From: MJ Ray <mjr(at)phonecoop(dot)coop>
To: spi-general(at)lists(dot)spi-inc(dot)org
Subject: Meeting log for 2011-05-11
Date: 2011-05-12 09:41:14
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Lists: spi-general

I still think AOB should be replaced by Member Reports... ;-)


[item 1, Opening] <bdale> Welcome to today's Software in the Public
Interest board of directors meeting, which is now called to order.
Today's agenda and details of pending resolutions can be found on the
web at:

[item 2, Roll Call]
21:30:07 <zobel> Martin Zobel-Helas
21:30:10 <schultmc> Michael Schultheiss
21:30:11 <bdale> Bdale Garbee
21:30:48 <Hydroxide> Jimmy Kaplowitz
21:30:53 <cdlu> David Graham
21:31:04 <Noodles> Jonathan McDowell
21:31:33 <Ganneff> Joerg Jaspert

[item 3, President's Report] <bdale> Since our last meeting, I was
pleased to see this announcement from the US DOJ regarding the CPTN

[item 4, Treasurer's Report] <schultmc> standard report is in the
agenda and emailed out (-general rather than -private based on past

[item 5, Secretary's report] <Noodles> We've had an enquiry from about becoming members. I plan to get a
resolution for them within the next week, but didn't want to put them
on the agenda because they're a less well known project. They were in
contact last year. Yes, I've been exchanging emails with them. They
do localisation of Free Software.

[item 6, Outstanding minutes]
"Minutes for Wednesday, 13th April 2011 meeting": Yes: 6, Abstain: 1

[item 7.1, SPI Resolution 2011-04-13.mzh.1 (Jenkins as associated project)]
voting results: Yes: 7

<bdale> kohsuke indicated he had a conflict but would be logging the
channel .. hopefully we'll have a response later today

[item 8, Any other business]

<zobel> the midnight commander people approched me yesterday

<cdlu> just a reminder that the election and agm are coming up in just
over 7 weeks.

<bdale> I should mention for the record that we're also talking to Arch Linux

<zobel> ah, and thank you from debian sysadmins for moving the domain. we are DNSSEC secured by this morning.

[item 9, Next board meeting] <bdale> Our next regularly-scheduled
monthly meeting will be 8 June 2011, 20:30 UTC.

21:47:48 <bdale> *GAVEL*


21:30:03 <bdale> *GAVEL*
21:30:03 <bdale> [item 1, Opening] Welcome to today's Software in the Public Interest board of directors meeting, which is now called to order.
21:30:03 <bdale> Today's agenda and details of pending resolutions can be found on the web at:
21:30:03 <bdale> [item 2, Roll Call]
21:30:04 <bdale> Board members, please state your name for the record. As we have eight board members, quorum for today's meeting is six.
21:30:07 <zobel> Martin Zobel-Helas
21:30:07 <bdale> Guests (including board advisors), please /msg your names to Noodles if you wish your attendance to be recorded in the minutes of this meeting.
21:30:10 <schultmc> Michael Schultheiss
21:30:11 <bdale> Bdale Garbee
21:30:48 <Hydroxide> Jimmy Kaplowitz
21:30:53 <cdlu> David Graham
21:31:04 <Noodles> Jonathan McDowell
21:31:12 <bdale> cool .. quorum
21:31:24 <zobel> Ganneff: pling
21:31:33 <Ganneff> Joerg Jaspert
21:31:58 <zobel> we just miss Joshua now?
21:32:06 <bdale> yes .. no regrets?
21:32:13 <Noodles> Not that I've seen.
21:32:21 <bdale> ok, well, let's proceed and perhaps he'll appear
21:32:28 <bdale> [item 3, President's Report]
21:32:28 <bdale> Since our last meeting, I was pleased to see this announcement from the US DOJ regarding the CPTN transaction:
21:32:35 <bdale> nothing else of interest to report
21:32:42 <bdale> [item 4, Treasurer's Report]
21:32:42 <bdale> Michael?
21:33:02 <schultmc> standard report is in the agenda and emailed out (-general rather than -private based on past feedback)
21:33:12 <bdale> yes, makes sense to me
21:33:40 <bdale> I didn't notice anything unusual .. any further comments?
21:34:10 <zobel> not from me
21:34:16 * Hydroxide read it and has no concerns. Thanks Michael!
21:34:22 <bdale> [item 5, Secretary's report]
21:34:22 <bdale> Jonathan?
21:35:23 <Noodles> We've had an enquiry from about becoming members.
21:35:27 <Noodles> (sorry, had to find the URL)
21:35:47 <Noodles> I plan to get a resolution for them within the next week, but didn't want to put them on the agenda because they're a less well known project.
21:35:50 <bdale> you'll work with them?
21:35:52 <Noodles> They were in contact last year.
21:36:02 <Noodles> Yes, I've been exchanging emails with them.
21:36:17 <bdale> ok. I don't recall them offhand.
21:36:29 <Noodles> They do localisation of Free Software.
21:36:38 <bdale> right
21:37:08 <Noodles> Nothing else of note to report.
21:37:17 <bdale> ok, well, if it seems like a group we can actually do something useful for, that's fine.
21:37:27 <bdale> [item 6, Outstanding minutes]
21:37:27 <bdale> Jonathan, I believe we have last month's to vote on?
21:37:30 <Noodles> Yes.
21:37:39 * Hydroxide read those and is ready to vote
21:38:06 <cdlu> ditto
21:38:08 <Noodles> Voting started, 7 people (schultmc,bdale,hydroxide,cdlu,noodles,zobel,ganneff) allowed to vote on Minutes for Wednesday, 13th April 2011 meeting. - You may vote yes/no/abstain only, type !vote $yourchoice now.
21:38:12 <cdlu> !vote yes
21:38:13 <Noodles> !vote yes
21:38:14 <schultmc> !vote yes
21:38:16 <zobel> !vote yes
21:38:18 <Hydroxide> !vote yes
21:38:20 <Ganneff> !vote abstain
21:38:34 <bdale> !vote yes
21:38:36 <Noodles> Current voting results for "Minutes for Wednesday, 13th April 2011 meeting": Yes: 6, No: 0, Abstain: 1, Missing: 0 ()
21:38:39 <Noodles> Voting for "Minutes for Wednesday, 13th April 2011 meeting" closed.
21:38:51 <bdale> thanks
21:38:58 <bdale> [item 7, Items up for discussion]
21:38:58 <bdale> [item 7.1, SPI Resolution 2011-04-13.mzh.1 (Jenkins as associated project)]
21:38:58 <bdale> Martin?
21:39:16 <bdale> this seems simple to me
21:39:30 <zobel> well, we had been asked to have Jenkins as associated project
21:39:43 <bdale> I've seen no dissent?
21:39:49 <cdlu> I could find no reason to object to the request.
21:40:02 * zobel neither, and no further discussion on board
21:40:08 <Noodles> Seems fine by me (I had my first Hudson experience yesterday).
21:40:10 <zobel> so i hope we are ready to vote
21:40:13 <bdale> I'm ready to vote
21:40:27 <Noodles> Voting started, 7 people (schultmc,bdale,hydroxide,cdlu,noodles,zobel,ganneff,) allowed to vote on Resolution 2011-04-26.mzh.1 - Jenkins as associated project. - You may vote yes/no/abstain only, type !vote $yourchoice now.
21:40:31 <cdlu> !vote yes
21:40:32 <Ganneff> !vote yes
21:40:32 <bdale> !vote yes
21:40:33 <zobel> !vote yes
21:40:33 <Noodles> !vote yes
21:40:41 <schultmc> !vote yes
21:40:42 <Hydroxide> !vote yes
21:40:47 <Noodles> Current voting results for "Resolution 2011-04-26.mzh.1 - Jenkins as associated project": Yes: 7, No: 0, Abstain: 0, Missing: 0 ()
21:40:50 <zobel> Noodles: that will hopefuly not influence your vote :)
21:40:50 <Noodles> Voting for "Resolution 2011-04-26.mzh.1 - Jenkins as associated project" closed.
21:41:13 <bdale> kohsuke indicated he had a conflict but would be logging the channel .. hopefully we'll have a response later today
21:41:15 <Noodles> zobel: All good. The guy who was showing me how we use it internal was impressed I knew about the fork. ;)
21:41:28 <cdlu> hehe
21:41:31 <bdale> [item 8, Any other business]
21:41:31 <bdale> Do any board members have other items for discussion they would like to address briefly?
21:41:31 <bdale> Martin, you wanted to mention something about midnight commander?
21:41:54 <zobel> the midight commander people approched me yesterday
21:42:06 <bdale> anything unusual in the request?
21:42:17 <cdlu> just a reminder that the election and agm are coming up in just over 7 weeks.
21:42:23 <zobel> no. just that they want to move the domain to SPI quite fast.
21:42:38 <zobel> shortly after they hopefully had been accepted.
21:42:49 <Ganneff> define quite fast? is it that it is short before renew?
21:42:53 <bdale> zobel: ok .. I should mention for the record that we're also talking to Arch Linux
21:43:02 <Ganneff> cos most registrars deny a transfer then and want a renewal first
21:43:09 <zobel> i am willing to sponsor the domain fees if needed.
21:43:30 <zobel> Ganneff: i will try to find out today or tomorrow.
21:43:40 <zobel> Ganneff: thx for that information
21:43:41 <bdale> that's all detail we can handle outside the meeting, in any case
21:43:42 <Ganneff> SHOULDNT be needed if its just one of the default sets our registrar has
21:43:54 <bdale> I can't think of any reason we'd deny an app from them
21:43:57 <schultmc> SPI's general fund has plenty available for things like domain registrations
21:44:02 <Ganneff> zobel: the offset is about two weeks. it should be valid longer.
21:44:10 <zobel> Ganneff: thx
21:44:10 <Noodles> Doesn't expire until December.
21:44:18 <bdale> sounds fine, then
21:44:21 <Ganneff> then there is no trouble
21:44:46 <Ganneff> schultmc: unless we suddenly only have domains with special wishes, our current registrar is more than happy to have them free for us
21:44:49 <bdale> cdlu: thanks for the reminder .. do we need to take any action today, or expect discussion next month?
21:45:04 <Noodles> I was going to mail the -projects list to remind people.
21:45:05 <zobel> ah, and thank you from debian for moving the domain
21:45:16 <zobel> s/debian/debian sysadmins/
21:45:25 <Noodles> (Well, liaisons, who could then tell their projects.)
21:45:37 <Ganneff> thank you? didnt read like it in the announce prepare.
21:45:38 <zobel> we are DNSSEC secured by this morning.
21:45:41 <bdale> Noodles: good plan .. we definitely would like to stir the pot a bit and get a good slate of candidates this year .. with several new associated projects, etc
21:46:01 <Noodles> Is membership processed reasonably fast these days?
21:46:07 <zobel> Ganneff: was lange waert, wird endlich gut.
21:46:17 <Noodles> ie if I send something out in the next week it's plenty of time for project members to sign up to SPI and be able to vote?
21:46:25 <bdale> I would think so
21:46:26 <schultmc> Noodles: yes
21:46:29 <Noodles> Excellent.
21:46:37 <bdale> processing all pending requests before the vote starts would certainly make sense
21:46:39 <zobel> next meeting 1h earlier?
21:46:45 <Ganneff> zobel: and much of the time was waiting on registrar^Wtheir uplink
21:46:53 <Noodles> zobel: Er, no?
21:46:57 <bdale> [item 9, Next board meeting]
21:46:57 <bdale> Our next regularly-scheduled monthly meeting will be 8 June 2011, 20:30 UTC.
21:46:57 <bdale> Any strong objections?
21:47:21 <cdlu> suits me
21:47:25 <Noodles> WFM.
21:47:39 <Ganneff> i c an deal with that
21:47:39 <Hydroxide> Fine
21:47:42 <cdlu> there'll only be three weeks left to the agm then :)
21:47:47 <bdale> Ok, thank you to everyone present for participating today.
21:47:48 <bdale> *GAVEL*

MJ Ray (slef), member of, a for-more-than-profit co-op.
Webmaster, Debian Developer, Past Koha RM, statistician, former lecturer.
In My Opinion Only: see
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