Meeting log for Annual General Meeting 2011

Lists: spi-general
From: MJ Ray <mjr(at)phonecoop(dot)coop>
To: spi-general(at)lists(dot)spi-inc(dot)org
Subject: Meeting log for Annual General Meeting 2011
Date: 2011-07-14 08:31:13
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Lists: spi-general

The SPI AGM took place yesterday. See below for a summary, the full
log and a link to the draft annual report.


21:30:15 <bdale> [item 1, Opening]

<bdale> Welcome to the 2011 Annual General Meeting of Software in the
Public Interest, which is now called to order. Today's agenda and
details of pending resolutions can be found on the web at:

21:30:27 <bdale> [item 2, Roll Call]
21:30:33 <Noodles> Jonathan McDowell
21:30:33 <Ganneff> Joerg Jaspert
21:30:34 <Hydroxide> Jimmy Kaplowitz
21:30:34 <zobel> Martin Zobel-Helas
21:30:34 <bdale> Bdale Garbee
21:30:43 <cdlu> David Graham
21:30:44 <schultmc> Michael Schultheiss
21:32:42 <linuxpoet> Joshua Drake

21:33:08 <bdale> [item 3, President's Report]

<bdale> Discussions underway are likely to result in resolutions
regarding at least one new associated project for our agenda next
month. Along with several other board members, I plan to attend
Debconf in Bosnia the last week of this month. My proposal for an SPI
BOF was accepted and is on the schedule.

21:33:34 <bdale> [item 4, Treasurer's Report]

<schultmc> there are two reports in the agenda, a standard report for
june and an annual report

21:35:24 <bdale> [item 5, Secretary's report]

<Noodles> Not a lot from me. We've had some contact from the Dragora
project about becoming an associated project.

And we have a draft annual report, available at It's a bit rough,
but I think it's got the important bits now.

There are currently 4 candidates for our election (with 3 seats
available). Thanks to schultmc for sorting an issue with the machine
the voting system runs on that I noticed over the weekend.

I am interested in whether anyone else thinks they'll have something
to add to the annual report, otherwise I'm tempted to say it is what
it is and put it on the site.

21:39:41 <bdale> [item 6, Outstanding minutes]

voting results for "Minutes for Wednesday 8th June 2011": Yes: 7, Abstain: 1

21:41:40 <bdale> [item 7, Items up for discussion] no other
resolutions this month.

21:41:41 <bdale> [item 8, Any other business]

<bdale> In recognition of this being our Annual General Meeting, do
any contributing members present have other items for discussion or
questions for the board they would like to address briefly?

* schultmc sent out a message to -general and -private about the
contributing membership purge

<slef> just well done onpresenting an annual report and do continuing
board members have plans for spi next year?

<bdale> as I mentioned in my brief contribution to the annual report,
I'd love for us to actually make time to update the bylaws this year

<Noodles> On a practical level there's still some content from the
old website I'm slowly moving over (the vote information is the
logical next thing).

<linuxpoet> I am working on the SPI Conf thing within PgWest and I
continue to work on getting new projects (contacted roundcube just

21:48:43 <bdale> [item 9, Next board meeting]

<bdale> Our next regularly-scheduled monthly board meeting will be 10
August 2011, 20:30 UTC.

<bdale> Ok, thank you to everyone present for participating in the
2011 Annual General Meeting of Software in the Public Interest!

21:50:17 <bdale> *GAVEL*


21:30:15 <bdale> *GAVEL*
21:30:15 <bdale> [item 1, Opening] Welcome to the 2011 Annual General Meeting of Software in the Public Interest, which is now called to order.
21:30:15 <bdale> Today's agenda and details of pending resolutions can be found on the web at:
21:30:27 <bdale> [item 2, Roll Call]
21:30:27 <bdale> Board members, please state your name for the record. As we have eight board members, quorum for today's meeting is six.
21:30:27 <bdale> Guests (including contributing members and board advisors), please /msg your names to Noodles if you wish your attendance to be recorded in the minutes of this meeting.
21:30:33 <Noodles> Jonathan McDowell
21:30:33 <Ganneff> Joerg Jaspert
21:30:34 <Hydroxide> Jimmy Kaplowitz
21:30:34 <zobel> Martin Zobel-Helas
21:30:34 <bdale> Bdale Garbee
21:30:39 <cdlu> David Grham
21:30:41 <cdlu> erm
21:30:43 <cdlu> David Graham
21:30:44 <schultmc> Michael Schultheiss
21:31:08 <bdale> linuxpoet?
21:31:38 <Hydroxide> he doesn't appear to be in channel. are we expecting his absence, or should we wait a couple of minutes before proceeding?
21:31:41 <Hydroxide> (not long, but it is the AGM)
21:31:46 <Noodles> I've heard nothing from him.
21:31:54 <Noodles> But he posted to the lists earlier today so he's around.
21:32:09 <Hydroxide> if someone has his phone number, maybe sms or call him? I don't
21:32:24 - linuxpoet!~jd(at)71-94-253-247(dot)dhcp(dot)mdfd(dot)or(dot)charter(dot)com has joined #spi
21:32:28 <linuxpoet> hi
21:32:28 <zobel> there he is?
21:32:32 <Noodles> \o/
21:32:39 <bdale> linuxpoet: name, please
21:32:42 <linuxpoet> Joshua Drake
21:32:45 <bdale> cool
21:32:46 <linuxpoet> thanks cdlu
21:32:48 <cdlu> linuxpoet, :)
21:32:58 <cdlu> linuxpoet, I just found your number on facebook and was about to text a reminder :)
21:32:58 <bdale> 100% attendance .. thank you!
21:33:08 <bdale> [item 3, President's Report]
21:33:08 <bdale> Discussions underway are likely to result in resolutions regarding at least one new associated project for our agenda next month.
21:33:08 <bdale> Along with several other board members, I plan to attend Debconf in Bosnia the last week of this month. My proposal for an SPI BOF was accepted and is on the schedule.
21:33:24 <linuxpoet> cdlu: that actually would work really well
21:33:34 <bdale> [item 4, Treasurer's Report]
21:33:34 <bdale> Michael?
21:33:57 <schultmc> there are two reports in the agenda, a standard report for june and an annual report
21:34:25 <bdale> anything else?
21:34:33 <schultmc> not unless there are questions
21:34:46 * zobel was pleased to see that we have debconf as seperate item there.
21:35:16 <bdale> agreed .. ok, let's move on
21:35:24 <bdale> [item 5, Secretary's report]
21:35:24 <bdale> Jonathan?
21:35:41 <Noodles> Not a lot from me. We've had some contact from the Dragora project about becoming an associated project.
21:35:59 <Hydroxide> Noodles: how about, I dunno, elections, Mr Votemaster?
21:36:00 <Hydroxide> :)
21:36:01 <zobel> Noodles: Jenkins accepted?
21:36:15 <Noodles> And we have a draft annual report, available at
21:36:16 <zobel> ah, its in the minutes.
21:36:27 <Noodles> It's a bit rough, but I think it's got the important bits now.
21:36:36 <bdale> thanks for your work on that!
21:36:43 <Noodles> There are currently 4 candidates for our election (with 3 seats available).
21:36:45 <bdale> and the contributions from others
21:36:51 <Noodles> (More candidates still welcome!)
21:37:06 <bdale> nominations close today, right?
21:37:09 <Noodles> THanks to schultmc for sorting an issue with the machine the voting system runs on that I noticed over the weekend.
21:37:17 <Noodles> Yup. 23:59 UTC.
21:37:50 <bdale> do you want to say anything further about the election now?
21:37:53 <Noodles> I am interested in whether anyone else thinks they'll have something to add to the annual report, otherwise I'm tempted to say it is what it is and put it on the site.
21:37:55 <cdlu> I'm glad to hear we have more candidates than seats.
21:38:03 <Noodles> Me too.
21:38:21 * Hydroxide reminds the membership ctte to approve any suitable last-minute contributing member requests prior to the vote
21:38:31 <Hydroxide> s/reminds/requests/
21:38:38 <schultmc> Hydroxide: already done
21:38:42 <Hydroxide> schultmc: cool
21:38:51 <Noodles> I'm actually away from net access for the weekend after tomorrow afternoon, but I'm hoping it should all be smooth enough once setup tomorrow.
21:39:24 <bdale> anything else?
21:39:28 <Noodles> I think that's it from me.
21:39:35 <bdale> great, thanks!
21:39:41 <bdale> [item 6, Outstanding minutes]
21:39:41 <bdale> Jonathan, I believe we have last month's to vote on?
21:40:29 <Noodles> Yup. Just typing the voting script huge command now. I assume everyone's ok with them?
21:40:37 <bdale> I am
21:40:42 <cdlu> as ok I can be having missed the meeting :)
21:40:54 * Hydroxide is ready to approve them
21:41:02 <Noodles> Voting started, 8 people (bdale,schultmc,hydroxide,noodles,cdlu,zobel,linuxpoet,ganneff) allowed to vote on Minutes for Wednesday 8th June 2011. - You may vote yes/no/abstain only, type !vote $yourchoice now.
21:41:05 <Hydroxide> !vote yes
21:41:07 <cdlu> !vote abstain
21:41:07 <Ganneff> !vote yes
21:41:07 <zobel> !vote yet
21:41:09 <Noodles> !vote yes
21:41:09 <bdale> !vote yes
21:41:09 <zobel> !vote yes
21:41:10 <linuxpoet> !vote yes
21:41:13 <schultmc> !vote yes
21:41:21 <Noodles> Current voting results for "Minutes for Wednesday 8th June 2011": Yes: 7, No: 0, Abstain: 1, Missing: 0 ()
21:41:24 <Noodles> Voting for "Minutes for Wednesday 8th June 2011" closed.
21:41:28 <zobel> damnb typo
21:41:31 <bdale> np
21:41:33 <bdale> thanks, all
21:41:40 <bdale> [item 7, Items up for discussion]
21:41:41 <bdale> We have no other resolutions this month.
21:41:41 <bdale> [item 8, Any other business]
21:41:41 <bdale> In recognition of this being our Annual General Meeting, do any contributing members present have other items for discussion or questions for the board they would like to add
21:41:41 <bdale> ress briefly?
21:42:03 * schultmc sent out a message to -general and -private about the contributing membership purge
21:42:11 <slef> just well done onpresenting an annual report
21:42:13 <bdale> schultmc: looked good .. thanks for that
21:42:26 <Hydroxide> slef: thanks!
21:42:41 <Hydroxide> (not that I did anything...)
21:42:55 <slef> and do continuing board members have plans for spi next year?
21:43:16 - darst!richard(at)dyn-160-39-55-39(dot)dyn(dot)columbia(dot)edu has joined #spi
21:43:29 <bdale> as I mentioned in my brief contribution to the annual report, I'd love for us to actually make time to update the bylaws this year
21:43:31 <Noodles> On a practical level there's still some content from the old website I'm slowly moving over (the vote information is the logical next thing).
21:43:47 <linuxpoet> I am working on the SPI Conf thing within PgWest and I continue to work on getting new projects (contacted roundcube just today)
21:43:59 <Hydroxide> I made various "pie in the sky" / brainstorming proposals in my re-election position statement, which you'll see once it's published. the only essential part of that is continuing to do a good job at what we're doing now, plus preferably fixing the bylaws as bdale mentioned. the rest is "if people want"
21:44:03 <bluewater> schultmc: please dont purge us
21:44:08 <bluewater> grins
21:44:28 <schultmc> bluewater: it's not an auto purge :)
21:44:39 <bdale> linuxpoet: saw your email about it, haven't had time to think about it much .. I could probably arrange to show up in, though
21:44:48 <Hydroxide> bluewater: if you either vote in this election or respond to the subsequent ping with "yes I want to stay a continuing member" you won't be affected. if someone is downgraded, they can un-downgrade later upon application
21:44:58 <bdale> Noodles: do you need more conversion help with the web site, or just time?
21:44:59 <Hydroxide> bluewater: assuming they still meet the criteria, as always
21:45:03 <slef> when is pgwest?
21:45:13 <linuxpoet> 09/27 - 09/30
21:45:22 <slef> this year?
21:45:30 <bdale> yes
21:45:31 <linuxpoet> we could also do one at PgEast if that was of interest, that will be in March/April
21:45:32 <linuxpoet> yes this year
21:45:33 <slef> bah
21:45:50 <Noodles> bdale: Time is always the most useful thing, at present I'm mainly moving things over when I find they're not there. If any other board member finds such things then I'd welcome them doing the moving process for them (cleaning up markup etc in the process).
21:45:59 * cdlu def can't make that - week before the next election I'm working in
21:46:04 <Hydroxide> slef: postgres's cons are annual events...
21:46:12 <linuxpoet> Hydroxide: no
21:46:17 * cdlu went to pgcon toronto a few years ago
21:46:23 <Hydroxide> linuxpoet: ah, my mistake
21:46:28 <Noodles> I intend to be in the Bay Area at the end of September, so PgWest is doable for me.
21:46:30 <linuxpoet> Hydroxide: The PostgreSQL Conference (is semi-annual)
21:46:34 * Hydroxide suggests we move this to the list until it needs to continue now
21:46:38 <Hydroxide> *unless
21:46:45 <Hydroxide> linuxpoet: right, I was counting pgeast/pgwest as distinct
21:47:01 <linuxpoet> ahh
21:47:07 <bdale> linuxpoet: in any case, thanks for working on this, I hope we can make something useful happen
21:47:12 <Hydroxide> agreed
21:47:28 <bdale> any other short items or questions from/for the board?
21:47:30 <Hydroxide> there's a chance I"ll attend, too.
21:47:36 <Hydroxide> still TBD
21:48:19 <linuxpoet> none
21:48:40 <bdale> ok .. hearing nothing ..
21:48:43 <bdale> [item 9, Next board meeting]
21:48:43 <bdale> Our next regularly-scheduled monthly board meeting will be 10 August 2011, 20:30 UTC.
21:48:43 <bdale> Any strong objections?
21:48:49 <bdale> looks ok to me
21:48:56 <Hydroxide> Solver, devil, bluewater: would that time work for you if you are elected? (that will be a new-board meeting, including officer elections)
21:48:57 <Ganneff> works for me
21:49:01 <Hydroxide> works for me
21:49:02 <linuxpoet> works for me
21:49:26 <Ganneff> at that meeting we can see to change the meeting time if lotsa board cant make it in future
21:49:34 <Ganneff> (or have serious issues with it)
21:49:44 <bluewater> Hydroxide: this time as it is is OK for me , atm 2030 UTC is 0630 local
21:49:51 <Hydroxide> true, of course. still, if they're paying attention, they can say something now. if not, they can say something later.
21:50:10 <bdale> ok, looks like that time will work
21:50:17 <bdale> Ok, thank you to everyone present for participating in the 2011 Annual General Meeting of Software in the Public Interest!
21:50:17 <bdale> *GAVEL*

Hope that informs,
MJ Ray (slef), member of, a for-more-than-profit co-op.
Webmaster, Debian Developer, Past Koha RM, statistician, former lecturer.
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