Meeting log for 2008-04-16

Lists: spi-general
From: MJ Ray <mjr(at)phonecoop(dot)coop>
To: spi-general(at)lists(dot)spi-inc(dot)org
Subject: Meeting log for 2008-04-16
Date: 2008-04-16 22:41:34
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Lists: spi-general


<bdale> Today's agenda and details of pending resolutions can be found
on the web at:

<bdale> I note in passing that the OSI has seated a new board,
including former DPL and SPI advisor Martin Michlmayr.

<schultmc> I'm still working with Josh Berkus to get all the data
necessary for a proper treasurer's report. [I] created a draft report
that doesn't yet include the recent credit card donations but it's
more than we've had previously. The draft report is linked from the
agenda. [The expenses are] from the start of the data entry system
until this morning. I entered 2000-01-01 through 2008-04-16 but we
didn't start using this system until 2006 iirc. Josh has been
handling the credit card data entry himself in the past and his travel
schedule makes him too busy to handle that - I'm taking that over and
will have us caught up ASAP (1-2 weeks max I estimate). Other than
the credit card donations, we're caught up as of the last bank visit.

[item 7.1, Debian logo license ] <Hydroxide> As far as I know, nothing
to discuss this meeting. I don't know why this was left on the agenda
from last meeting.

[item 7.2, New Debian Project Leader ] <bdale> The Debian project has
elected Steve McIntyre as their new DPL. It has been our tradition to
treat the sitting DPL as an SPI board advisor.

[item 8, Next board meeting] <bdale> I believe our default would be
Wednesday 21st May, 2008 - 19:00 UTC? Works for me. Any strong

TIMED LOG (+01:00)

20:00:08 <bdale> *GAVEL*
20:00:08 <bdale> [item 1, Opening] Welcome to today's Software in the Public Interest board of directors meeting, which is now called to order.
20:00:08 <bdale> Today's agenda and details of pending resolutions can be found on the web at:
20:00:08 <bdale> [item 2, Roll Call]
20:00:09 <bdale> Board members, please state your name for the record. As we have nine board members, quorum for today's meeting is six.
20:00:12 <bdale> Guests (including board advisors), please /msg your names to Maulkin if you wish your attendance to be recorded in the minutes of this meeting.
20:00:15 <bdale> Neil, any regrets?
20:00:17 <schultmc> Michael Schultheiss
20:00:17 <Hydroxide> Jimmy Kaplowitz
20:00:17 <linuxpoet> Joshua Drake
20:00:20 <bdale> Hrm. Neil himself was a tentative regret...
20:00:22 <schultmc> bdale: just Neil :)
20:00:24 <zobel> Martin Zobel-Helas
20:00:25 <bdale> Bdale Garbee
20:00:25 <cdlu> David Graham
20:00:45 <bdale> ok, I'm logging the channel as usual, but is anyone specifically prepared to cover for Neil?
20:00:49 <BrucePerens> Maulkin not here yet.
20:01:06 <Sledge> Maulkin's out canvassing for local council elections in Cambridge
20:01:06 <bdale> I believe we have quorum
20:01:07 <Hydroxide> hopefully Maulkin will still check his screen session and record names of guests from /msg
20:01:16 <Sledge> yeah, he said he would
20:01:29 <Hydroxide> ok
20:01:29 <bdale> who else is missing?
20:01:40 <zobel> bdale: Ganneff?
20:01:46 <schultmc> luk, Ganneff...
20:02:16 <Ganneff> Joerg Jaspert
20:02:26 <bdale> luk_: ??
20:02:37 <luk_> Luk Claes
20:02:39 <cdlu> bdale, we're quorate anyway
20:02:43 <bdale> bingo, thanks all
20:02:55 <bdale> [item 3, President's Report]
20:02:55 <bdale> I note in passing that the OSI has seated a new board, including former DPL and SPI advisor Martin Michlmayr.
20:02:55 <bdale> Nothing else to report.
20:03:06 <cdlu> cool
20:03:11 <bdale> [item 4, Treasurer's Report]
20:03:11 <bdale> Michael?
20:03:32 <schultmc> I'm still working with Josh Berkus to get all the data necessary for a proper treasurer's report
20:03:59 * schultmc created a draft report that doesn't yet include the recent credit card donations but it's more than we've had previously
20:04:14 <Hydroxide> schultmc: I see the draft report in the agenda. what time period does it cover?
20:04:15 <schultmc> the draft report is linked from the agenda
20:04:25 <Hydroxide> schultmc: the expenses seem rather large for one month
20:04:31 <bdale> schultmc: hrm. our ability to deliver an annual report is blocked waiting for a report we can include. What's the current prognosis?
20:04:33 <schultmc> Hydroxide: from the start of the data entry system until this morning
20:04:37 <Hydroxide> schultmc: aah.
20:04:47 <Hydroxide> schultmc: do you know what that time frame is?
20:05:00 <schultmc> bdale: it's also stalled on the credit card data entry - I'll get that taken care of ASAP
20:05:24 <schultmc> Hydroxide: I entered 2000-01-01 through 2008-04-16 but we didn't start using this system until 2006 iirc
20:05:54 <Hydroxide> schultmc: hrm. very confusing since we have definitely had treasurer's reports subsequent to 2000-01-01 (I know both branden and I did a bunch)
20:05:58 <bdale> schultmc: not to be pushy, but I'm having a hard time figuring out how much progress is being made. This is important stuff, yet seems to be dragging out. Is there anything I or others on the board can do to help?
20:07:07 <schultmc> bdale: not at this time - Josh has been handling the credit card data entry himself in the past and his travel schedule makes him too busy to handle that - I'm taking that over and will have us caught up ASAP (1-2 weeks max I estimate)
20:07:42 <bdale> schultmc: ok. do you believe we'll be able to have a report before the next board meeting?
20:07:43 <schultmc> other than the credit card donations, we're caught up as of the last bank visit
20:07:48 <schultmc> bdale: yes, definitely
20:08:04 - lucas!~lucas(at)xanadu(dot)blop(dot)info has joined #spi
20:08:13 <bdale> schultmc: ok, that's good news. let's stay in sync in the meantime, the sooner I can get something to use to trigger emitting an annual report the happier I'll be!
20:08:19 <bdale> anything else?
20:08:24 <schultmc> not from me
20:08:27 <bdale> k
20:08:33 <bdale> [item 5, Secretary's report]
20:08:35 <bdale> has Neil arrived?
20:08:41 <cdlu> I don't expect Neil to arrive
20:08:43 <bdale> doesn't look like it
20:08:53 <bdale> anyone have a report from him?
20:08:53 <cdlu> election night for him
20:08:57 <bdale> ah, ok
20:09:01 <Hydroxide> schultmc: one more question for you ... any status update on the form 1023 request?
20:09:08 <Hydroxide> (and the corresponding approval letter request)
20:09:35 <schultmc> Hydroxide: the request has been submitted to the IRS and they've cashed the check (fee for form request) so it's in their queue
20:10:04 <bdale> ok, great, let's move on
20:10:05 <Hydroxide> schultmc: ok, thanks.
20:10:28 <bdale> with no Neil, I assume we don't have minutes?
20:10:34 <bdale> to approve, I mean
20:10:38 <schultmc> none linked from the agenda
20:10:41 <bdale> right
20:10:44 <bdale> ok, let's keep moving
20:10:45 <Hydroxide> bdale: his announcement email said there were zero to approva
20:10:54 <Hydroxide> heh, interesting typo there
20:11:02 <bdale> Hydroxide: thanks, I guess I missed that detail
20:11:09 <bdale> [item 7, Items up for discussion]
20:11:09 <bdale> [item 7.1, Debian logo license ]
20:11:09 <bdale> What's up here?
20:11:29 <Hydroxide> as far as I know, nothing to discuss this meeting. I don't know why this was left on the agenda from last meeting.
20:11:30 * schultmc thought we voted on that last month
20:11:37 <bdale> me too
20:11:51 <Hydroxide> also, Neil's mail mentioned one motion to approve, but neither that nor the agenda links to a motion.
20:11:56 <bdale> I'm willing to believe there might have been some followup, but seems just as likely it's an over-zealous cut n paste?
20:12:06 <linuxpoet> I am thinking cut n paste fury
20:12:09 <bdale> ok
20:12:09 <Hydroxide> probably
20:12:17 <bdale> [item 7.2, New Debian Project Leader ]
20:12:17 <bdale> The Debian project has elected Steve McIntyre as their new DPL. It has been our tradition to treat the sitting DPL as an SPI board advisor.
20:12:17 <bdale> I believe Steve is on channel, Sam may be too? Do we need to take any explicit action?
20:12:19 * Sledge will slap him when he turns up later
20:12:31 <cdlu> bdale, it's not tradition, it's legislated
20:12:37 * bdale is ok with that
20:12:42 <sam> note that I'm still the sitting DPL for almost 5 hours :)
20:12:47 <Sledge> :-)
20:12:47 <Hydroxide> although, we usually vote on new advisors, right?
20:12:55 <bdale> ergo my question
20:12:59 <Ganneff> dont think we need to do stuff - the membership is for leader(at)d(dot)o (including the mail lists) :)
20:13:00 <cdlu> hydroxide, member project leaders are always advisors
20:13:13 <Hydroxide> cdlu: with no vote? gotcha.
20:13:16 <cdlu> adding sam is fine with me
20:13:18 <cdlu> (back in)
20:13:20 <cdlu> if that's what we want
20:13:27 <bdale> what does sam want? ;-)
20:13:41 <sam> I'd be happy to
20:14:14 <bdale> I'm happy to have sam's opinions on things, but I'm ambivalent about whether we need to annoint him as an advisor in order to listen to him.
20:14:35 <cdlu> Steve could always appoint Sam as Debian's advisor in his place
20:14:41 <bdale> what privs does that status convey? access to the -board list?
20:14:44 <cdlu> basically
20:15:02 <sam> oh, it's not that I lack communication channels to contact any SPI members anyway
20:15:45 <Sledge> sam and I can work this out later, I'm sure, if there's anything needed from/for Debian
20:15:47 <Ganneff> umm. if we go and appoint every ex-dpl as an advisor we end up with lotsa people on the list soon
20:15:52 <bdale> right
20:16:02 <bdale> ok
20:16:11 <bdale> let's not take any explicit action today, then
20:16:13 <cdlu> bdale,
20:16:14 <sam> like Ganneff says. I don't think I need anything special
20:16:15 <cdlu> for reference.
20:16:36 <bdale> advisorship will move from sam to Sledge, we can entertain a motion to add sam later if anyone feels the need. ok?
20:16:49 <cdlu> works for me
20:16:56 <bdale> Do any board members have other items for discussion they would like to address briefly?
20:17:18 <Hydroxide> does anyone know if we've taken care of whatever one motion neil referred to in his announcement email?
20:17:32 * bdale assumes that was related to the mistaken logo item
20:17:43 <bdale> or perhaps the DPL change
20:17:43 <Hydroxide> ah.
20:17:48 <bdale> unclear
20:17:54 * Hydroxide has nothing else to discuss now
20:18:00 <bdale> hopefully we'll be a bit more organized again by next month
20:18:04 <Hydroxide> yep.
20:18:08 <bdale> [item 8, Next board meeting]
20:18:08 <bdale> I believe our default would be Wednesday 21st May, 2008 - 19:00 UTC? Works for me. Any strong objections?
20:18:37 <luk_> only minor :-)
20:18:50 <cdlu> that timeslot works for me.
20:19:05 <luk_> so no need to change it
20:19:07 * bdale counts to 10
20:19:20 <bdale> Ok, thank you to everyone present for participating today.
20:19:20 <bdale> *GAVEL*

Hope that helps,
MJ Ray (slef)
Webmaster for hire, statistician and online shop builder for a small
worker cooperative
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