Meeting log for 2008-06-18

Lists: spi-general
From: MJ Ray <mjr(at)phonecoop(dot)coop>
To: spi-general(at)lists(dot)spi-inc(dot)org
Subject: Meeting log for 2008-06-18
Date: 2008-06-19 08:38:20
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Lists: spi-general


<Ganneff> Welcome to today's Software in the Public Interest board of
directors meeting, which is now called to order. Today's agenda and
details of pending resolutions can be found on the web at:

[item 2, Roll Call] <cdlu> David Graham <Ganneff> Joerg Jaspert
<schultmc> Michael Schultheiss <zobel> Martin Zobel-Helas
<luk> Luk Claes <linuxpoet> JOshua Drake

[item 3, President's Report] <Ganneff> None.

[item 4, Treasurer's Report] <schultmc> I don't have a specific report
prepared. I plan on releasing regular reports starting next meeting.
By the end of June, I expect to have PaySimple setup and ready to
accept donations

[item 5, Secretary's report] <Ganneff> well. without neil...
that also is for the next point

[item 7, Stuff for discussion] <cdlu> Elections are July 1-July 29

[item 8, Next board meeting] <Ganneff> Tuesday, 1th July 2008 - 19:00 UTC
<cdlu> Annual General Meeting

<Ganneff> so lets say - AGM on July, 2nd, which is a Wednesday. If
someone disagrees to much - board@ mail

<zobel> are still all machines locked?
<Ganneff> zobel: this week

TIMED LOG (+01:00)

20:00:04 <Ganneff> *GAVEL*
20:00:05 <Ganneff> [item 1, Opening] Welcome to today's Software in the Public Interest board of directors meeting, which is now called to order. Today's agenda and details of pending resolutions can be found on the web at:
20:00:05 <Ganneff> [item 2, Roll Call]
20:00:05 <Ganneff> Board members, please state your name for the record. As we have nine board members, quorum for today's meeting is six. Guests, please /msg your names to Maulkin if you wish your attendance to be recorded in the minutes of this meeting.
20:00:06 <Ganneff> Neil, please update us on known and tentative regrets.
20:00:09 <cdlu> David Graham
20:00:14 <Ganneff> Joerg Jaspert
20:00:17 <schultmc> Michael Schultheiss
20:00:20 <cdlu> Neil is one of the regrets... he said he'd be late.
20:00:25 <cdlu> Bdale regrets too
20:00:28 <cdlu> haven't seen any others
20:01:17 <Ganneff> zobel, luk, linuxpoet, schultmc, schultmc_, Maulkin, zobel, Hydroxide
20:01:27 <cdlu> zobel, zobel, zobel. :)
20:01:31 <zobel> Martin Zobel-Helas
20:01:33 <schultmc> Ganneff: I already said "Michael Schultheiss"
20:01:36 <luk> Luk Claes
20:01:39 <Ganneff> oh. missed you.
20:01:46 <linuxpoet> :)
20:01:49 <cdlu> 5... one more for quorum.
20:01:49 <linuxpoet> JOshua Drake
20:01:52 <cdlu> quorum!
20:02:01 <Ganneff> damn. :)
20:02:05 <Ganneff> ok. lets go on
20:02:06 <cdlu> I knew you were going to say that.
20:02:08 <Ganneff> [item 3, President's Report]
20:02:08 <Ganneff> None.
20:02:08 <Ganneff> [item 4, Treasurer's Report]
20:02:09 <Ganneff> schultmc: have fun
20:02:40 <schultmc> I don't have a specific report prepared. I plan on releasing regular reports starting next meeting.
20:02:59 <schultmc> By the end of June, I expect to have PaySimple setup and ready to accept donations
20:03:05 <schultmc> </end>
20:03:12 <Ganneff> [item 5, Secretary's report]
20:03:16 <Ganneff> well. without neil...
20:03:30 <cdlu> same applies to minutes
20:03:35 <Ganneff> that also is for the next point
20:03:51 <Ganneff> [item 7, Stuff for discussion]
20:03:51 <Ganneff> None according to Agenda
20:04:04 <schultmc> elections are july 1 iirc
20:04:10 <jello> um, when does the annualy report come out?
20:04:14 <jello> er, annual
20:04:21 <cdlu> Elections are July 1-July 29
20:04:22 <luk> when it's ready
20:04:29 <cdlu> annual meeting is July 1
20:04:34 <Ganneff> [item 8, Next board meeting]
20:04:34 <Ganneff> Wednesday, 16th July 2008 - 19:00 UTC
20:04:34 - Ganneff!~joerg(at)ganneff(dot)noc(dot)oftc(dot)net changed topic of #spi to: All machines locked | Wednesday, 16th July 2008 - 19:00 UTC | That's 12:00 PDT, 15:00 EDT, 20:00 BST, and 21:00 CEST |
20:04:40 <Ganneff> that would be next regular board meeting
20:04:48 <cdlu> Ganneff, next board meeting should be July 1
20:04:54 <cdlu> which is a Tuesday
20:05:16 <Ganneff> taken from agenda, but i agree to change. i just wont (most possibly) be available, its right after surgery for me
20:05:32 <zobel> Ganneff: hu... i might be in Darmstadt that evening probably to fix stuff at man.da but well
20:06:03 <Ganneff> Tuesday, 1th July 2008 - 19:00 UTC - annual board meeting. right?
20:06:21 <cdlu> Annual General Meeting
20:06:27 <Ganneff> unless we decide to move it a day or so. that would fit our wednesday == meeting day.
20:06:36 <luk> ah that's what the AGM stands for :-)
20:06:48 <cdlu> I wouldn't object to moving it to Wednesday July 2
20:07:08 * zobel either
20:07:10 <Ganneff> can we vote on that?
20:07:20 <Ganneff> i know i wont be there on 1st, but can on second
20:07:21 <luk> is anyone against?
20:07:28 <cdlu> you're the chair, we can vote on the colour of the sky if you say to
20:07:34 * schultmc is available either day
20:07:54 <luk> cdlu: shouldn't things to vote be on the agenda?
20:08:21 <cdlu> luk, we've voted on many things that were not on the agenda in the past. But I don't see a need to vote on July 2 annual meeting.
20:08:31 <slef> specifies the first day of July in Article Four. IIRC it's usually a PITA but unchangeable.
20:08:56 <dondelelcaro> the second will still be the first in some timezone, done properly.
20:09:42 <cdlu> slef, it also may be deferred by members of the board in the event of a holiday
20:09:46 <cdlu> it's Canada Day on the 1st :)
20:09:50 <luk> I guess we can be out of quorum the first and move it to the second without any problem :-)
20:10:18 <luk> cldu: even better, lets all celebrate that official holiday :-)
20:10:36 <cdlu> but if we're in immediate jeopardy of not making quorum at annual meeting, we can all save ourselves a lot of headache by scheduling it for the 2nd.
20:11:37 <luk> cdlu: isn't Canada Day a legal holiday?
20:11:40 <Ganneff> I think it makes most sense to have it on second. The bylaws should be written better there to allow a move for any (valid/good) reason, not only some random holidays, if that doesnt mean a move to $waytofaraway.
20:11:47 <cdlu> it is in Canada, but SPI is a US corp
20:12:01 <Ganneff> cdlu: but spi has .ca board members.
20:12:08 <cdlu> singular
20:12:30 <luk> singular is enough to have some .ca board members :-)
20:12:35 <cdlu> true :)
20:12:35 <cdlu> ok
20:12:42 <Ganneff> so lets say - AGM on July, 2nd, which is a Wednesday. If someone disagrees to much - board@ mail
20:12:43 <cdlu> Ganneff, I suggest you dispense with this and decree it. :)
20:12:55 - Ganneff!~joerg(at)ganneff(dot)noc(dot)oftc(dot)net changed topic of #spi to: All machines locked | Wednesday, 2nd July 2008 - 19:00 UTC | That's 12:00 PDT, 15:00 EDT, 20:00 BST, and 21:00 CEST |
20:13:02 <Ganneff> there.
20:13:10 <Ganneff> now, did Maulkin show up? if not we are done.
20:13:20 <cdlu> nope, but he did say by email
20:13:22 <zobel> Ganneff: one more question:
20:13:28 <cdlu> that he would be sending out information about the election soon
20:13:29 <zobel> status of the machines
20:13:38 <Ganneff> zobel: this week
20:13:41 <zobel> are still all machines locked?
20:13:42 <zobel> k.
20:13:53 <Ganneff> *GAVEL*

MJ Ray (slef)
Webmaster for hire, statistician and online shop builder for a small
worker cooperative
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