Meeting log for 2008-10-15

Lists: spi-general
From: MJ Ray <mjr(at)phonecoop(dot)coop>
To: spi-general(at)lists(dot)spi-inc(dot)org
Subject: Meeting log for 2008-10-15
Date: 2008-10-16 15:01:35
Message-ID: 48f7574f.aTGZ3i4/
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Lists: spi-general

This SPI board meeting was the first I remember where all three
officers submitted reports (yay!) and the meeting took only 27mins, even
including an open Q+A call. So if you'd like to spend the time saved
reading you've got a link now ;-) and some
members posted about how SPI is fairly safe from the banking crisis in


[item 1, Opening] Welcome to today's Software in the Public Interest
board of directors meeting, which is now called to order. Today's
agenda and details of pending resolutions can be found on the web at:

[item 2, Roll Call]
<schultmc> Michael Schultheiss <bdale> Bdale Garbee
<cdlu> David Graham <zobel> Martin Zobel-Helas
<Hydroxide> Jimmy Kaplowitz <luk_> Luk Claes
<linuxpoet> Joshua Drake [from item 4]

[item 3, President's Report] <bdale> I provided a brief report on
activity relating to the Open Voting Forum for inclusion in agenda and
minutes. reload the agenda page for the text. this *could* be really
exciting if it happens, but way too early to know what may come of it.
my apologies to everyone for not getting the report text into the
agenda earlier. perhaps we should continue with the structured part of
the agenda, and entertain questions when we get to items up for
discussion, so folks have time to read?

[item 4, Treasurer's Report] <schultmc> I apologize for not getting
the report out sooner. I believe we've solved the problems that
delayed reports in the past and future reports will be on a timely
basis. Future reports will also include an income statement rather
than just a balance sheet but I ran out of time before the meeting to
prepare one. not [any real remaining hurdles] at this time - I'll send
out an e-mail if I discover any

[item 5, Secretary's report] <Hydroxide> just soliciting volunteers to
help with the website to move away from plone (while allowing editing
through the web and through a VCS) and keep it accurate and up to
date. see the agenda for the details and how to help. the only other
thing is that I updated the officer list in the by-laws and the board

[item 6, Outstanding minutes]
Current voting results for "September 17 minutes": Yes: 4, No: 0,
Abstain: 2, Missing: 1 ( linuxpoet [would vote yes] )

[item 7, Items up for discussion]

<bdale> Any questions about the OVF proposal? [opens to all attending]

<linuxpoet> I think it is a great idea. We helped them get into
LinuxWorld last year... over 800 votes were cast with their software

<luk_> it looks like a nice things which is different from the stuff
we're used to. I want to thank and support everyone involved for
getting the proposal happen :-)

<slef> Are the board still happy being involved with voting machines?
<bdale> as I've stated before, I'd rather such machines be open source
than not
<linuxpoet> not only that, these aren't really machines... it is a
live cd they load
* Hydroxide agrees. It's one of the best politically feasible options
in the US and maybe other countries.
<slef> so this area already uses voting machines?
<Hydroxide> slef: yes they do.
<bdale> what I've heard so far suggests to me that what the OVF folks
are doing makes pretty good sense, and they clearly have the attention
of some of the decision makers in California
<luk_> slef: the alternative being that everything is closed source
and there is no real guarantee at all that the software does what it
<slef> luk_: I thought Jason Kitcat reckoned that open source didn't
offer any garantee either, but if it's not spreading voting machines,
I've no further questions now.
<bdale> in this area as in many, open source by itself isn't a
panacea... it's just a better methodology for software development and
maintenance... but since OVF is an associated project and this
activity is completely within our charter and our legal bounds, I
can't see any reason to not support it

<zobel> if that question was already asked by mail, ignore it, i am
currently just a bit overloaded at work to follow all mail: if we need
to hire someone, i have some concerns about the costs.
<Hydroxide> zobel: the costs of that hire would come out of the funds
we'd be managing, not our pre-existing funds. if we have them do
general SPI stuff nort related to the OVF proposal, we might use some
general SPI funds, but not project-specific funds

<cdlu> I'd just like to say sorry I've not been around since the
election, but that I'm off the campain trail and ready to refocus my
energy here.

[item 8, Next board meeting]
<Hydroxide> just note the DST/Summer time change
<bdale> ok, 19 November 20:00 UTC it is, then


20:00:05 <bdale> *GAVEL*
20:00:05 <bdale> [item 1, Opening] Welcome to today's Software in the Public Interest board of directors meeting, which is now called to order.
20:00:05 <bdale> Today's agenda and details of pending resolutions can be found on the web at:
20:00:05 <Hydroxide> go!
20:00:17 <bdale> [item 2, Roll Call]
20:00:17 <bdale> Board members, please state your name for the record. As we have nine board members, quorum for today's meeting is six.
20:00:17 <bdale> Guests (including board advisors), please /msg your names to Hydroxide if you wish your attendance to be recorded in the minutes of this meeting.
20:00:17 <bdale> Jimmy, any regrets recorded?
20:00:20 <schultmc> Michael Schultheiss
20:00:23 <bdale> Bdale Garbee
20:00:24 <cdlu> David Graham
20:00:24 <zobel> Martin Zobel-Helas
20:00:27 <Hydroxide> you're all early
20:00:29 <Hydroxide> no roll call yet
20:00:31 <Hydroxide> Jimmy Kaplowitz
20:00:32 <Hydroxide> :)
20:00:36 <Hydroxide> bdale: the one regret is as per the agenda
20:00:39 <cdlu> ?
20:00:43 <schultmc> Hydroxide: keep up :P
20:00:43 <bdale> Neil
20:00:58 <Hydroxide> oh, that scrolled past really quickly. ok :)
20:01:11 <luk_> Luk Claes
20:01:17 <bdale> great, quorum!
20:01:40 * bdale waits a sec in case anyone else wants to chime in... Ganneff?
20:01:59 <zobel> bdale: Ganneff sent regrets IIRC
20:02:18 <bdale> ah, ok
20:02:25 <bdale> who else are we missing?
20:02:26 <Hydroxide> oh right, he did, just before the meeting
20:02:38 <zobel> Message-ID: <87iqruc4l0(dot)fsf(at)delenn(dot)ganneff(dot)de>
20:02:40 <schultmc> Josh Drake
20:02:59 <schultmc> he dropped offline a few minutes before the meeting
20:03:02 <bdale> he was around earlier, but I don't see him online now... ok, let's continue
20:03:12 <bdale> [item 3, President's Report]
20:03:12 <bdale> I provided a brief report on activity relating to the Open Voting Forum for inclusion in agenda and minutes.
20:03:22 <bdale> reload the agenda page for the text
20:03:24 <Hydroxide> see agenda everyone, and ask questions
20:03:27 <Hydroxide> (if you have them)
20:03:39 * Hydroxide just updated the agenda with Joerg's regrets
20:03:46 <bdale> this *could* be really exciting if it happens, but way too early to know what may come of it
20:04:24 <bdale> my apologies to everyone for not getting the report text into the agenda earlier
20:05:24 <bdale> perhaps we should continue with the structured part of the agenda, and entertain questions when we get to items up for discussion, so folks have time to read?
20:05:31 <Hydroxide> sounds reasonable
20:05:41 <bdale> [item 4, Treasurer's Report]
20:05:41 <bdale> Let me start of by saying how thrilled I was to receive a treasurer's report this month with all of the earmarks resolved!
20:05:41 <bdale> Kudos to Michael, Josh, and everyone else who helped get us to this milestone!
20:05:41 <bdale> Michael?
20:06:12 * Hydroxide cheers
20:06:12 <schultmc> I apologize for not getting the report out sooner.
20:06:36 <schultmc> I believe we've solved the problems that delayed reports in the past and future reports will be on a timely basis.
20:07:05 <schultmc> Future reports will also include an income statement rather than just a balance sheet but I ran out of time before the meeting to prepare one.
20:07:17 <bdale> ok, that sounds good
20:07:22 <Hydroxide> schultmc: maybe make the balance sheet for the last day of the same calendar month that the income statement is for?
20:07:46 <schultmc> Hydroxide: good idea
20:08:23 <bdale> schultmc: any real remaining hurdles to comment on?
20:08:48 <schultmc> bdale: not at this time - I'll send out an e-mail if I discover any
20:08:52 <Hydroxide> great
20:08:53 - linuxpoet!~jd(at)or-69-34-217-90(dot)sta(dot)embarqhsd(dot)net has joined #spi
20:09:06 <linuxpoet> here :P
20:09:10 <Hydroxide> linuxpoet: welcome back. state your name for the record, please
20:09:15 <linuxpoet> Joshua Drake
20:09:23 <bdale> ok, very good news all around. I know there have been many questions about our financial status and transaction processing recently, I hope we're now in a position to answer any remaining ones.
20:09:38 <schultmc> bdale: yes we are
20:09:40 <bdale> linuxpoet: thanks for joining us, we hit quorum without you so proceeded
20:09:52 <Hydroxide> linuxpoet: (schultmc just presented his treasurer report, as per text in the agenda and emails)
20:09:54 <bdale> schultmc: ok, anything else?
20:09:55 <linuxpoet> That's fine, I didnt' realize I had disconnected. I apologize
20:10:00 <bdale> linuxpoet: np
20:10:08 <bdale> linuxpoet: re-load agenda for my presidents report, etc
20:10:15 <linuxpoet> nod
20:10:39 <schultmc> bdale: no
20:10:50 <bdale> [item 5, Secretary's report]
20:10:50 <bdale> Jimmy?
20:11:16 <Hydroxide> just soliciting volunteers to help with the website
20:11:30 <Hydroxide> to move away from plone (while allowing editing through the web and through a VCS)
20:11:35 <Hydroxide> and keep it accurate and up to date
20:11:37 <linuxpoet> Hydroxide: I have some ideas there, I will email you offline
20:11:42 <Hydroxide> see the agenda for the details and how to help
20:11:52 <bdale> ok, cool. anything else?
20:11:58 <Hydroxide> linuxpoet: ok. email secretary@ and admin@, and read the agenda item text first
20:12:05 <linuxpoet> nod
20:12:17 <Hydroxide> the only other thing is that I updated the officer list in the by-laws and the board webpages.
20:12:22 <Hydroxide> that's it.
20:12:26 <bdale> ok, thanks!
20:12:30 <Hydroxide> np
20:12:32 <bdale> [item 6, Outstanding minutes]
20:12:32 <bdale> Jimmy, any to vote on today?
20:12:39 <Hydroxide> yes, actually :)
20:12:42 <Hydroxide> last meeting's
20:12:55 <Hydroxide> the minutes are linked from the agenda, and the log is linked from the minutes
20:13:05 <Hydroxide> (no need to read the log if you're satisfied with the minutes)
20:13:15 <bdale> ok, my belated regrets for missing it due to I believe time zone confusion
20:13:41 <bdale> any corrections or are we ready to vote to approve?
20:14:10 * cdlu was going door-to-door or attending a debate or something at the time, so cannot comment on the accuracy of those minutes
20:14:48 <zobel> looks accurate.
20:14:50 <bdale> Jimmy, let's vote
20:15:00 * schultmc seconds
20:15:03 <Hydroxide> Voting started, 7 people (hydroxide,bdale,linuxpoet,cdlu,luk_,zobel,schultmc) allowed to vote on September 17 minutes. - You may vote yes/no/abstain only, type !vote $yourchoice now.
20:15:08 <cdlu> !vote abstain
20:15:10 <schultmc> !vote yes
20:15:10 <bdale> !vote abstain
20:15:13 <Hydroxide> !vote yes
20:15:15 <zobel> !vote yes
20:15:23 <luk_> !vote yes
20:15:38 <Hydroxide> linuxpoet: ?
20:16:45 <Hydroxide> going once..
20:16:49 <Hydroxide> going twice..
20:16:54 <Hydroxide> Current voting results for "September 17 minutes": Yes: 4, No: 0, Abstain: 2, Missing: 1 ( linuxpoet )
20:16:57 <Hydroxide> Voting for "September 17 minutes" closed.
20:17:03 <Hydroxide> it's a majority of those present anyway
20:17:07 <Hydroxide> they're approved.
20:17:10 <bdale> great, agreed, minutes approved
20:17:19 <bdale> what's the status on the others not yet voted on?
20:17:28 <linuxpoet> sigh
20:17:31 <Hydroxide> Neil is theoretically working on those
20:17:40 <linuxpoet> My 160lb dog got out, sorry
20:17:42 <luk_> theoretically :-)
20:17:51 <Hydroxide> linuxpoet: what would your vote have been?
20:17:54 <linuxpoet> yes
20:18:07 <linuxpoet> I would vote yes for the minutes approval
20:18:08 <Hydroxide> linuxpoet: OK. I'll note that in the minutes.
20:18:08 <bdale> I'm fine with noting it that way in the minutes
20:18:11 <Hydroxide> yep
20:18:17 <bdale> ok, thanks
20:18:23 <bdale> [item 7, Items up for discussion]
20:18:24 <bdale> Any questions about the OVF proposal?
20:18:38 * bdale opens to all attending for questions if any
20:19:24 <linuxpoet> I think it is a great idea
20:19:25 <luk_> it looks like a nice things which is different from the stuff we're used to
20:19:38 <linuxpoet> We helped them get into LinuxWorld last year... over 800 votes were cast with their software
20:19:38 <bdale> yes
20:19:43 <slef> Are the board still happy being involved with voting machines?
20:20:03 <luk_> I want to thank and support everyone involved for getting the proposal happen :-)
20:20:11 <bdale> as I've stated before, I'd rather such machines be open source than not
20:20:23 <linuxpoet> not only that, these aren't really machines... it is a live cd they load
20:20:30 * Hydroxide agrees. It's one of the best politically feasible options in the US and maybe other countries.
20:20:46 <slef> so this area already uses voting machines?
20:20:48 <bdale> what I've heard so far suggests to me that what the OVF folks are doing makes pretty good sense, and they clearly have the attention of some of the decision makers in California
20:20:49 <luk_> slef: the alternative being that everything is closed source and there is no real guarantee at all that the software does what it should?
20:20:53 <Hydroxide> slef: yes they do.
20:21:36 <slef> luk_: I thought Jason Kitcat reckoned that open source didn't offer any garantee either, but if it's not spreading voting machines, I've no further questions now.
20:22:08 <zobel> if that question was already asked by mail, ignore it, i am currently just a bit overloaded at work to follow all mail: if we need to hire someone, i have some concerns about the costs.
20:22:22 <Hydroxide> zobel: the costs of that hire would come out of the funds we'd be managing
20:22:27 <Hydroxide> zobel: not our pre-existing funds
20:22:44 <zobel> Hydroxide: and will not be higher? okay.
20:22:48 <luk_> so the ones we'd be managing for the project
20:22:58 <bdale> in this area as in many, open source by itself isn't a panacea... it's just a better methodology for software development and maintenance... but since OVF is an associated project and this activity is completely within our charter and our legal bounds, I can't see any reason to not support it
20:23:18 <Hydroxide> zobel: if we have them do general SPI stuff nort related to the OVF proposal, we might use some general SPI funds, but not project-specific funds
20:23:35 <zobel> k
20:23:57 <bdale> zobel: right, we've talked in the past about when SPI might need to hire someone anyway... I don't think we're quite there yet. Anything OVF needs would be paid for through the contract they'd receive.
20:24:34 <bdale> ok, any other questions about this?
20:24:44 <bdale> Do any board members have other items for discussion they would like to address briefly?
20:25:02 <linuxpoet> Just thanks for your patience today.
20:25:05 <cdlu> I'd just like to say sorry I've not been around since the election, but that I'm off the campain trail and ready to refocus my energy here.
20:25:06 <bdale> np
20:25:10 <Hydroxide> nothing else for me
20:25:14 <bdale> cdlu: thanks
20:25:16 <bdale> ok
20:25:23 <bdale> [item 8, Next board meeting]
20:25:23 <bdale> I believe our default would be Wednesday 19th November, 2008 - 19:00 UTC?
20:25:23 <bdale> Anyone have strong objections?
20:25:29 <Hydroxide> just note the DST/Summer time change
20:25:30 <cdlu> not here
20:25:34 <Hydroxide> this is an hour EARLIER in local time
20:25:35 <linuxpoet> I am good
20:25:35 <zobel> can we move to 20:00 UTC?
20:25:46 <slef> Hydroxide: only in the north?
20:26:00 <bdale> I'm ok either way, 19:00 or 20:00, as long as we decide today
20:26:17 <Hydroxide> slef: well, Summer Time might be starting in some southern hemisphere countries. in any case, it's ending for every single board member
20:26:27 <zobel> i might have troubles (at least in november) with 19:00
20:26:32 * Hydroxide echoes with bdale said
20:26:40 <zobel> november is peak time at work.
20:26:41 * cdlu will work around whatever time you assign
20:26:45 <bdale> would anyone object to 20:00?
20:26:52 * schultmc is fine with 20:00
20:26:55 <linuxpoet> I am fine
20:26:57 * Hydroxide proposes 20:00 as a default time for every month until DST/Summer time resume
20:26:58 <luk_> ok
20:27:06 <zobel> Hydroxide: ack.
20:27:15 <bdale> ok, 19 November 20:00 UTC it is, then
20:27:29 <bdale> Ok, thank you to everyone present for participating today.
20:27:29 <bdale> *GAVEL*
MJ Ray (slef)
Webmaster for hire, statistician and online shop builder for a small
worker cooperative
(Notice tel:+44-844-4437-237