Meeting log for 2009-02-11

Lists: spi-general
From: MJ Ray <mjr(at)phonecoop(dot)coop>
To: spi-general(at)lists(dot)spi-inc(dot)org
Subject: Meeting log for 2009-02-11
Date: 2009-02-12 10:36:06
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Lists: spi-general


Welcome to the Helios Project and good luck to bdale in LF elections!
I'd still really like AOB to renamed "board member reports" or
similar, to discourage new business appearing there unannounced...

<bdale> [item 1, Opening] Welcome to today's Software in the Public
Interest board of directors meeting, which is now called to order.
Today's agenda and details of pending resolutions can be found on the
web at:

[item 2, Roll Call]
20:09:23 <Maulkin> Neil McGovern
20:09:26 <schultmc> Michael Schultheiss
20:09:29 <zobel> Martin Zobel-Helas
20:09:33 <Ganneff> Joerg Jaspert
20:09:33 <bdale> I believe we have (tentative) regrets from Neil, Luk, and David?
20:09:35 <bdale> Bdale Garbee
20:09:42 <linuxpoet> Joshua D. Drake
20:15:33 <Hydroxide> Jimmy Kaplowitz
20:17:18 <luk_> Luk Claes

[item 3, President's Report]
<bdale> None.

[item 4, Treasurer's Report]
<schultmc> Treasurer's reports for December 2008 and January 2009 have
been released. we received notice from the IRS that additional
information is needed for our 2007 filing - that information has been
provided. Our 2008 filing needs to be addressed sometime this year - we
typically have until November 15 to complete the filing. november 15
includes extensions to the deadline.

[item 5, Secretary's report]
<Hydroxide> it's in the agenda
<bdale> I'm glad you included the ISC paperwork in your report, I'd
forgotten about that... should have included it in a pres report.

[item 6, Outstanding minutes]
<Hydroxide> I worked about 45 hours in the last 5 days at my job and
got way too little sleep. the only thing to vote on is the helios
resolution. I'm going to have 5 days off from work starting tomorrow
and will do serious catch-up on my lagging secretary duties. I'll have
caught up on the December, January, February ones, as well as
finishing up the March '08 ones. the June/July/August '08 ones will be
as soon as Martin has time to prepare them

[item 7, Items up for discussion]

[item 7.1, Resolution 2009-01-09.jdd.1 - New affiliated project: Helios Initiative]
<linuxpoet> I posted SLFC's reply, they look good we just have to be
careful. I believe this project will be a shot in the advocacy arm
for us. Here is a latest news point from the project:

<Hydroxide> Current voting results for "Helios Initiative resolution":
Yes: 8, Abstain: 0, Missing; 0

[item 8, Any other business]
<bdale> I'm currently standing for a board position at the Linux
Foundation representing individual affiliates. If elected, I'd hope
to foster better LF / SPI cooperation, no significant other impact

<linuxpoet> Just wanted to mention that I know I am behind on
reviewing the membership app and that I have not forgotten.

[item 9, Next board meeting]
<bdale> ok, it's 20:00 UTC on the 18th of March for our next meeting.

20:29:54 <bdale> *GAVEL*


20:09:21 <bdale> *GAVEL*
20:09:21 <bdale> [item 1, Opening] Welcome to today's Software in the Public Interest board of directors meeting, which is now called to order.
20:09:21 <bdale> Today's agenda and details of pending resolutions can be found on the web at:
20:09:21 <bdale> 11.html
20:09:21 <bdale> [item 2, Roll Call]
20:09:23 <Maulkin> Neil McGovern
20:09:25 <bdale> Board members, please state your name for the record. As we have nine board members, quorum for today's meeting is six.
20:09:26 <schultmc> Michael Schultheiss
20:09:28 <bdale> Guests (including board advisors), please /msg your names to Hydroxide if you wish your attendance to be recorded in the minutes of
20:09:29 <zobel> Martin Zobel-Helas
20:09:31 <bdale> this meeting.
20:09:33 <Ganneff> Joerg Jaspert
20:09:33 <bdale> I believe we have (tentative) regrets from Neil, Luk, and David?
20:09:35 <bdale> Bdale Garbee
20:09:42 <linuxpoet> Joshua D. Drake
20:09:45 <bdale> cool, quorum
20:09:55 <bdale> anyone else here?
20:10:04 <bdale> I see Neil is here, so who else is missing?
20:10:05 * Maulkin may need to dissappear quickly.
20:10:10 <schultmc> Hydroxide: ping
20:10:10 <bdale> Maulkin: ok, noted
20:10:57 <bdale> should we proceed?
20:11:00 <linuxpoet> please
20:11:05 * Maulkin nods
20:11:08 <bdale> [item 3, President's Report]
20:11:08 <bdale> None.
20:11:08 <bdale> [item 4, Treasurer's Report]
20:11:08 <bdale> Michael?
20:11:24 <schultmc> Treasurer's reports for December 2008 and January 2009 have been released
20:11:42 <bdale> yep, thanks for that!
20:11:49 <Ganneff> thats fast. nice.
20:11:51 <schultmc> we received notice from the IRS that additional information is needed for our 2007 filing - that information has been provided
20:11:58 <bdale> good
20:12:05 <schultmc> </done>
20:12:14 <bdale> what's the next tax related filing on our radar?
20:12:51 <schultmc> our 2008 filing needs to be addressed sometime this year - we typically have until November 15 to complete the filing
20:13:13 <zobel> the earlier the better?
20:13:17 <bdale> ok. let us know if there's anything you need from the rest of the board on that.
20:13:33 <schultmc> yes - november 15 includes extensions to the deadline
20:13:37 <schultmc> bdale: will do
20:13:50 <bdale> I'm very pleased to see that the monthly reports are in good shape and up to date, and sincerely hope we can keep things that way!
20:13:56 <linuxpoet> +1
20:14:05 <zobel> +1
20:14:15 <bdale> [item 5, Secretary's report]
20:14:15 <bdale> Jimmy?
20:14:20 <bdale> has Hydroxide appeared?
20:14:35 <Ganneff> last seen 12 minutes before meeting
20:14:42 <Ganneff> talking about it, so he was planning to attend.
20:14:51 <bdale> ok, I know he's very busy at the moment. let's move on and we can come back if he appears
20:15:03 <bdale> on the other hand, he's responsible for the next item too?
20:15:08 <Ganneff> yes
20:15:33 <Hydroxide> Jimmy Kaplowitz
20:15:37 <Hydroxide> was dealing with something in person
20:15:39 <linuxpoet> viola
20:15:41 <bdale> Hydroxide: dude! sec rpt?
20:15:47 <Hydroxide> bdale: it's in the agenda
20:16:09 <bdale> any questions or discussion?
20:16:15 <Hydroxide> if anyone has questions about that, let me know.
20:16:35 <bdale> seeing nothing, let's carry on
20:16:38 <bdale> [item 6, Outstanding minutes]
20:16:38 <bdale> Jimmy, we have some to vote on today?
20:17:04 <Hydroxide> no, actually. also, I'm not sure if I saved my secretary's report until now, but I just did, so look again
20:17:18 <luk_> Luk Claes
20:17:27 <Hydroxide> I worked about 45 hours in the last 5 days at my job and got way too little sleep. the only thing to vote on is the helios resolution
20:17:45 <bdale> ok
20:17:50 <Hydroxide> I'm going to have 5 days off from work starting tomorrow and will do serious catch-up on my lagging secretary duties.
20:18:08 <bdale> I'm glad you included the ISC paperwork in your report, I'd forgotten about that... should have included it in a pres report.
20:18:29 * Hydroxide nods. no worries.
20:18:41 <bdale> ok, so we'll hopefully be able to catch up on approving minutes next month?
20:19:08 <Hydroxide> bdale: I'll have caught up on the December, January, February ones, as well as finishing up the March '08 ones
20:19:23 <Hydroxide> bdale: the June/July/August '08 ones will be as soon as Martin has time to prepare them
20:19:29 <bdale> cool, looking forward to clearing as much as we can of the backlog ASAP
20:19:33 <Hydroxide> yep, me too.
20:19:37 <bdale> [item 7, Items up for discussion]
20:19:37 <bdale> [item 7.1, Resolution 2009-01-09.jdd.1 - New affiliated project: Helios Initiative]
20:19:37 <bdale> Josh?
20:19:49 <linuxpoet> Any questions for me on this?
20:19:56 <zobel> Hydroxide: will do it next week. have VAC next week.
20:19:59 <linuxpoet> I posted SLFC's reply, they look good we just have to be careful
20:20:19 <linuxpoet> I believe this project will be a shot in the advocacy arm for us
20:20:35 <Hydroxide> yes, the lawyers seemed to think it was fine with various procedural points that don't affect whether we should go ahead
20:20:57 * Hydroxide is ready to approve
20:21:02 <linuxpoet> Here is a latest news point from the project:
20:21:29 <bdale> I'm ready to approve
20:21:58 <Hydroxide> Voting started, 8 people (hydroxide,linuxpoet,bdale,luk_,maulkin,zobel,ganneff,schultmc ) allowed to vote on Helios Initiative resolution. - You may vote yes/no/abstain only, type !vote $yourchoice now.
20:21:59 <linuxpoet> I'm (obviously) read to approve
20:22:08 <linuxpoet> !vote yes
20:22:12 <Hydroxide> !vote yes
20:22:14 <Ganneff> !vote yes
20:22:15 <bdale> !vote yes
20:22:16 <Maulkin> !vote yes
20:22:16 <zobel> !vote yes
20:22:17 <schultmc> !vote yes
20:22:34 <bdale> luk_: ?
20:23:11 <Hydroxide> going once...
20:23:20 <Hydroxide> going twice..
20:23:25 <Hydroxide> Current voting results for "Helios Initiative resolution": Yes: 6, No: 0, Abstain: 0, Missing: 2 ( schultmc luk_ )
20:23:28 <luk_> !vote yes
20:23:28 <Hydroxide> Voting for "Helios Initiative resolution" closed.
20:23:32 <zobel> luk is maybe bussy with -release
20:23:35 <Hydroxide> luk_: I'll note it in the minutes
20:23:37 <bdale> schultmc voted yes
20:23:56 <bdale> sounds like it's a unanimous yes, which works for me
20:23:57 <Hydroxide> Yes: 7, Abstain: 0, Missing; 1
20:24:05 <Hydroxide> err
20:24:10 <schultmc> Missing: 0
20:24:11 <Hydroxide> Yes: 8, Abstain: 0, Missing; 0
20:24:14 <Hydroxide> ok
20:24:16 <bdale> thank you. ;-)
20:24:18 <Hydroxide> will note in the minutes correctly
20:24:24 <bdale> [item 8, Any other business]
20:24:24 <bdale> Do any board members have other items for discussion they would like to address briefly?
20:24:28 <bdale> I have one brief item
20:24:33 <linuxpoet> I do as well
20:25:02 <weasel> btw, thanks for handling the ISC thing so fast
20:25:04 <bdale> I'm currently standing for a board position at the Linux Foundation representing individual affiliates. If elected, I'd hope to foster better LF / SPI cooperation, no significant other impact here.
20:25:12 <bdale> linuxpoet: go for it
20:25:23 <Hydroxide> weasel: sure, you're welcome.
20:25:33 <linuxpoet> Just wanted to mention that I know I am behind on reviewing the membership app and that I have not forgotten.
20:25:35 <linuxpoet> That is all.
20:25:49 <Hydroxide> bdale: great
20:25:49 <bdale> weasel: yeah, my pleasure. the ISC folks are good people, glad to see them explicitly supporting Debian in this way!
20:25:56 <weasel> indeed
20:26:02 <bdale> linuxpoet: ok, thanks for the mention
20:26:05 <bdale> anything else?
20:26:25 <bdale> [item 9, Next board meeting]
20:26:25 <bdale> I believe our default would be Wednesday, March 18th, 2009, 20:00 UTC.
20:26:25 <bdale> That looks ok to me. Anyone have strong objections?
20:26:35 <linuxpoet> works for ,e
20:26:37 <linuxpoet> err me
20:26:37 <Hydroxide> wait
20:26:45 <Hydroxide> is that pre-DST-changeover in the US or post-it?
20:26:51 <bdale> heck if I know
20:26:55 <linuxpoet> let me check
20:27:00 <Maulkin> Fine for me.
20:27:03 <Hydroxide> it's post-US-changeover, pre-EU-changeover
20:27:11 <bdale> icky
20:27:19 <Hydroxide> yes. thank you, Energy Policy Act of 2005
20:27:21 <bdale> does that mean you want to change the time, or just note this?
20:27:21 <linuxpoet> march 8th
20:27:39 <linuxpoet> I say we leave it... 12:00 PST/PDT :)
20:27:50 <bdale> that would work fine for me
20:27:59 <luk_> what UTC would that be?
20:28:04 <Hydroxide> wait, if we preserve US local time, then we change EU local time. can we stick to discussing UTC?
20:28:09 <bdale> luk_: the proposal is to leave it 20:00
20:28:26 <schultmc> 1900 UTC is noon PDT
20:28:34 <zobel> 20:00 UTC would be great.
20:28:46 <luk_> fine by me too
20:28:50 <bdale> let's stick with 20:00 UTC for next month, discuss then if we should change after that?
20:28:52 <Hydroxide> in the past for DST changeover we have adjusted the UTC time by an hour, but I don't know how we handled the case in between US and EU changeovers
20:28:55 <weasel> (this mess turns up every time you discuss times. why not stick to UTC for all discussions and announcements)
20:29:10 <linuxpoet> because us americans have no idea what utc is :P
20:29:11 <bdale> agreed that all official announcements should be in UTC
20:29:20 <zobel> yes, please. earlier than 20:00 UTC might make it hard for me.
20:29:21 <Hydroxide> weasel: we do, mostly. we have to discuss local time when dealing with locale-specific DST issues.
20:29:21 <bdale> speak for yourself! ;-)
20:29:26 <Ganneff> linuxpoet: then you should learn
20:29:39 <linuxpoet> Ganneff: that is an argument for another time :)
20:29:40 <bdale> ok, it's 20:00 UTC on the 18th of March for our next meeting.
20:29:54 <bdale> Ok, thank you to everyone present for participating today.
20:29:54 <bdale> *GAVEL*

Hope that helps,
MJ Ray (slef)
Webmaster for hire, statistician and online shop builder for a small
worker cooperative
(Notice tel:+44-844-4437-237