spi-announce - June 2004

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June 1, 2004

Thread Author Time
Minutes for March 2nd, 2004 board meeting Wichert Akkerman 20:55
Minutes for May 4th, 2004 board meeting Wichert Akkerman 20:56
Resolution 2004-06-01.dbg.1: Current Board Membership Wichert Akkerman 20:59
Resolution 2004-05-28.dbg.2.iwj.1: Annual general members meeting Wichert Akkerman 21:02
Resolution 2004-05-28.dbg.1.iwj.1: Expidited meeting minutes Wichert Akkerman 21:03

June 3, 2004

Thread Author Time
Minutes for January 6th, 2004 board meeting Wichert Akkerman 22:25
Resolution 2004-03-02.iwj.1: inviting wxWidgets as associated project Wichert Akkerman 22:28

June 25, 2004

Thread Author Time
Reminder: SPI Annual meeting Wichert Akkerman 12:50

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