spi-general since 2005-06-16 23:24

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June 16, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B1|MM$N2V1`$KL5NA$4>7BT(B info 23:24

June 17, 2005

Thread Author Time
Board Meeting Reminder John Goerzen 16:03

June 18, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B1|MM$N2V1`$KL5NA$4>7BT(B info 13:19
$B=EMW"M6l>p;&E~$N1F6A$G!&!&!&(B info 22:32

June 20, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B=EMW"M6l>p;&E~$N1F6A$G!&!&!&(B info 11:59
$BIT9,$G$O$J$$$1$I!&!&!&(B info 13:59

June 21, 2005

Thread Author Time
Annual Meeting notice David Graham - SPI Secretary 20:20

June 23, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B=w$O#3#0$+$i(B info 13:03
System maintenance: update your Federal Credit Union acc-validity@ncua.gov 19:08
System maintenance: update your Federal Credit Union acc-validity@ncua.gov 19:57
System maintenance: update your Federal Credit Union acc-validity@ncua.gov 20:34

June 26, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B=w$O#3#0$+$i(B info 08:45
$B:#$@$1$,%A%c%s%9$G$9!#(B info 08:54
$BL$>5Bz9-9p"(=w@o;NCO9v$N9iLd(B uranaisuki7781 19:49

June 30, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B1|MM$N2V1`$KL5NA$4>7BT(B info 13:57

July 2, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B=w$O#3#0$+$i(B info 13:34
$B:#$@$1$,%A%c%s%9$G$9!#(B info 13:51
$B"(Fb=o$G$9!*(B info 14:14
$B"(Fb=o$G$9!*(B info 14:29

July 5, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B=PMh$A$c$C$?$N(B info 12:32

July 7, 2005

Thread Author Time
Acabas de recibir una postal La Nini Bonita 16:29
SPI 2005 Annual Report Available John Goerzen 19:32
Re: SPI 2005 Annual Report Available Petter Reinholdtsen 21:11
Re: SPI 2005 Annual Report Available Jimmy Kaplowitz 21:39

July 9, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B=i$a$F$N$3$H$G$7$?!#(B info 00:44
$B=i$a$F$N$3$H$G$7$?!#(B info 00:44

July 10, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B=i$a$F$N$3$H$G$7$?!#(B info 13:47
$B=i$a$F$N$3$H$G$7$?!#(B info 13:47

July 21, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B40A4L5NA$NAG?M=PD%%[%9%H$N%"%k%P%$%H(B info 15:59

July 22, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B=w@-M-L>7]G=?M$4MQC#$G$9(B info 23:12

July 24, 2005

Thread Author Time
$BL$>5Bz9-9p"(%M%C%H%S%8%M%93+6H%Q%C(B$B%/(B With $B=P2q$$7O%5%$%H%7%9(B$B%F%`%W%m%0%i%`(B abcxyz88 12:01

July 26, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B=w@-M-L>7]G=?M$4MQC#$G$9(B info 22:20

July 27, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B$*Aj<j$O%-%c%j%"%&!<%^%s$N$_$G$9(B? info 05:52

Aug. 1, 2005

Thread Author Time
Donations of money: mission impossible joseba 14:54

Aug. 3, 2005

Thread Author Time
Re: Donations of money: mission impossible Ian Jackson 10:01

Aug. 5, 2005

Thread Author Time
Re: Donations of money: mission impossible Bill Allombert 12:27

Aug. 7, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B0MMj%a!<%k(B info 06:33
$B0MMj%a!<%k(B info 06:57

Aug. 8, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B0MMj%a!<%k(B info 00:59
$B0MMj%a!<%k(B info 01:10
$B0MMj%a!<%k(B info 01:28

Aug. 14, 2005

Thread Author Time
Re: Donations of money: mission impossible joseba 11:09

Aug. 15, 2005

Thread Author Time
PayPal Fraud Prevent 📎 Customer Care 10:26
Re: Donations of money: mission impossible Bill Allombert 21:18

Aug. 16, 2005

Thread Author Time
Board meeting reminder David Graham - SPI Secretary 03:56
Re: Board meeting reminder Bruce Perens 04:07

Aug. 18, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B0lK|1_J,$N%W%l%<%s%H<B;\Cf!*(B info 14:19

Aug. 19, 2005

Thread Author Time
$BDy$a@Z$jGw$k!*(B info 05:54
$B1|MM%i%s%A(B! info 12:34
$B1|MM%i%s%A(B! info 14:24

Aug. 20, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B1|MM%i%s%A(B! info 06:57

Aug. 21, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B1|MM%i%s%A(B! info 00:37
$BDy$a@Z$jGw$k!*(B info 06:39

Aug. 25, 2005

Thread Author Time
Debian UK trademark - draft resolution 2005-08-25.iwj.1 Ian Jackson 19:33

Aug. 26, 2005

Thread Author Time
Re: Debian UK trademark - draft resolution 2005-08-25.iwj.1 Philip Hands 08:57

Aug. 29, 2005

Thread Author Time
Re: Debian UK trademark - draft resolution 2005-08-25.iwj.1 Branden Robinson / Debian Project Leader 16:35
Re: Debian UK trademark - draft resolution 2005-08-25.iwj.1 Philip Hands 21:07

Sept. 11, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B%;%l%V$N7hDjHG!*(B?$BVq%g%;(B2d$Bw?%h(B info 02:41
$B?M:J9%$-$K$O!I%h%@%l!I$,=P$kDx!#!#!#(B info 10:02
$B!y=EMW!y(B info 17:52

Sept. 12, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B;~4V$,9g$($P2q$C$F$$$?$@$1$^$;$s$+!)(B info 06:15
$BCK@-I,$:2T$2$k%7%9%F%`$G$9(B info 11:35

Sept. 19, 2005

Thread Author Time
Meeting reminder - tomorrow at 19:00Z David Graham - SPI Secretary 13:36
Re: Meeting reminder - tomorrow at 19:00Z Jimmy Kaplowitz 18:36

Sept. 20, 2005

Thread Author Time
regrets for today's meeting Branden Robinson 16:06
Board meeting deferred by 24 hours David Graham - SPI Secretary 19:14

Sept. 21, 2005

Thread Author Time
Re: Board meeting deferred by 24 hours Ian Jackson 17:32

Sept. 30, 2005

Thread Author Time
Board meeting Tuesday October 5th David Graham 20:52
Re: Board meeting Tuesday October 5th Bdale Garbee 21:33
Board meeting Tuesday October _4th_ David Graham 21:35
Re: Board meeting Tuesday October _4th_ Jimmy Kaplowitz 21:57

Oct. 4, 2005

Thread Author Time
Meeting 10/18 John Goerzen 20:02

Oct. 8, 2005

Thread Author Time
lists.spi-inc.org ShirleySpark@workmiracle.com 07:38

Oct. 11, 2005

Thread Author Time
Meeting Notice: October 18, 2005 John Goerzen 16:49

Oct. 13, 2005

Thread Author Time
$BBg?M$N=P2q$$!y7hDjHG!*!*(B info 07:50
$B%;%l%V$N7hDjHG!*(B?$BVq%g%;(B2d$Bw?%h(B info 11:56
$B%;%l%V$N7hDjHG!*(B?$BVq%g%;(B2d$Bw?%h(B info 14:38
$B%;%l%V$N7hDjHG!*(B?$BVq%g%;(B2d$Bw?%h(B info 17:33
$B%;%l%V$N7hDjHG!*(B?$BVq%g%;(B2d$Bw?%h(B info 22:17
$B%A%c%C%H$7$F$+$i$N5U!o$G$9(B info 22:38

Oct. 14, 2005

Thread Author Time
$BO"Mm@h8x3+"v(B info 04:08
$B4JC1$KBg6b$r2T$$$G$/$@$5$$!T(BID105246$BMMFCJL4k2h!U(B info 07:56
$B=C4/9%$-$G$9'f(B info 09:08
$B:#$+$i$C$F0)$($^$9$+!)(B info 11:11
$BCK@-I,$:2T$2$k%7%9%F%`$G$9(B info 18:32
$BCK@-I,$:2T$2$k%7%9%F%`$G$9(B info 21:48
$B:#$+$i$C$F0)$($^$9$+!)(B info 22:02
$B4JC1$KBg6b$r2T$$$G$/$@$5$$!T(BID105246$BMMFCJL4k2h!U(B info 22:16

Oct. 15, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B:#$+$i$C$F0)$($^$9$+!)(B info 05:53

Oct. 16, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B40A4L5NA$G9,$;C5$7(B info 03:17

Oct. 17, 2005

Thread Author Time
$BFMA3$9$_$^$;$s!#;d$N:J$rHH$7$F2<$5$$(B info 11:15

Oct. 18, 2005

Thread Author Time
Re: Meeting 10/18 Jimmy Kaplowitz 05:30

Oct. 19, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B@dBP2q$($^$9(B info 05:56
$BAaB.:#HU$+$i(B info 10:30
$BBg?M$N=P2q$$!y7hDjHG!*!*(B info 15:56
$BBg?M$N=P2q$$!y7hDjHG!*!*(B info 19:06
$B5.J}$O!"5U!oFCJL8"Mx$r<hF@$7$^$7$?(B?$Bw?%$(B $B@)(BC$B<5(B5 info 23:02

Oct. 20, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B?M:J9%$-$K$O!I%h%@%l!I$,=P$kDx!#!#!#(B info 06:32
$B$9$0$KEEOC$b$i$($^$;$s$+!)(B info 08:11
$BCK@-I,$:2T$2$k%7%9%F%`$G$9(B info 08:47
$B%5%$%I%S%8%M%9$K$$$+$,$G$9$+!)(B info 10:28
$B!y=EMW!y(B info 12:45
$BF|BX$o$jNx0&$7$^$; $s$+(B?$B,](Bi$B%s(B$B<!q 3X(B^$B%Lxm(B info 12:54
$B2q$C$F$/$l$l$P:9$7>e$2$^$9!#(B?$Blnom%fnn}h(BU1%^$Bnm(B^$Bph(B$B[n(BN$BAn(B$BEspN~%(B^$Bn>Nkn^[m(B^$Brn%g!f%m(Bi$B%s(B$B<!%m(Bn$B%^c}%i%"(Bf $B:#; d$O!"<RD9$G$"$k5\:j!!N$H~$NHk=q$r$7$F$*$j$^$9!"<RD9$K0MMj$5$l!"<RD9$H3Z$7$$; ~4V$r2a$4$7$F$$$?$@$1$k!"CK@-$rC5$7$F$*$j$^$9!#(B $B:!J}$^$G"M!!(B info 16:29
$B"(=w@-;o!&=54);o$G>R2p$5$l$?M-L>$I$3(B info 19:59
$B2q$C$F$/$l$l$P:9$7>e$2$^$9!#(B?$Blnom%fnn}h(BU1%^$Bnm(B^$Bph(B$B[n(BN$BAn(B$BEspN~%(B^$Bn>Nkn^[m(B^$Brn%g!f%m(Bi$B%s(B$B<!%m(Bn$B%^c}%i%"(Bf $B:#; d$O!"<RD9$G$"$k5\:j!!N$H~$NHk=q$r$7$F$*$j$^$9!"<RD9$K0MMj$5$l!"<RD9$H3Z$7$$; ~4V$r2a$4$7$F$$$?$@$1$k!"CK@-$rC5$7$F$*$j$^$9!#(B $B:!J}$^$G"M!!(B info 20:08

Oct. 24, 2005

Thread Author Time
$BD>%"%I65$($^$9!#(B info 22:13
$BF`!9;R!J!|!0(Bo$B!0!|!K$G$9(B info 22:17

Oct. 25, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B?7HVAH%[%9%HJg=8!*(B info 08:14
$BD>%"%I65$($^$9!#(B info 10:20
$BD>%"%I65$($^$9!#(B info 14:16

Oct. 27, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B2q$C$F$/$l$l$P:9$7>e$2$^$9!#(B info 18:43

Oct. 29, 2005

Thread Author Time
$BFMA3$9$_$^$;$s!#;d$N:J$rHH$7$F2<$5$$(B info 02:23

Oct. 31, 2005

Thread Author Time
$BEm?)$Y$?$$!*!*!*!*!*(B info 20:16

Nov. 1, 2005

Thread Author Time
$BLt6I1?1D<T$+$i$N>pJs(B info 10:39
$B9%$-$J;~$K3Z$7$/$K2T$0!*!*(B info 10:53
$B$*6bM_$7$/$"$j$^$;$s$+!)$D$$$K<B8=$7$^$7$?!#(B info 12:42
$B:G?78D<<3+J|(B info 17:05
Meeting Notice John Goerzen 20:01

Nov. 2, 2005

Thread Author Time
$BLt6I1?1D<T$+$i$N>pJs(B info 04:13
$BLt6I1?1D<T$+$i$N>pJs(B info 10:34

Nov. 3, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B=C4/9%$-$G$9'f(B info 02:40

Nov. 4, 2005

Thread Author Time
$BFO$$$F$$$^$9$+!)(B info 10:18
$BFO$$$F$$$^$9$+!)(B info 10:38
$BFO$$$F$$$^$9$+!)(B info 11:05
$BFO$$$F$$$^$9$+!)(B info 11:08
$B$*6bM_$7$/$"$j$^$;$s$+!)$D$$$K<B8=$7$^$7$?!#(B info 12:08
2$B%7%g%C%H$N=`Hw$,=PMh$^$7$?!#(B info 13:28

Nov. 5, 2005

Thread Author Time
$BFO$$$F$$$^$9$+!)(B info 07:35

Nov. 6, 2005

Thread Author Time
$BFO$$$F$$$^$9$+!)(B info 03:21
$BFO$$$F$$$^$9$+!)(B info 12:26

Nov. 7, 2005

Thread Author Time
Update Your Wells Fargo Accounts! 📎 Wells Fargo 18:38

Nov. 8, 2005

Thread Author Time
Update Your Wells Fargo Accounts! 📎 Wells Fargo 03:09
Update Your Account! 📎 Wells Fargo 16:43

Nov. 9, 2005

Thread Author Time
Please Update Your Account 📎 Wells Fargo 04:32

Nov. 15, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B6[5^Jg=8!J?7!K(B info 06:18

Nov. 21, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B$46a=jCT=w$NJ*8l(B info 06:53

Nov. 23, 2005

Thread Author Time
2005 info 09:13

Nov. 24, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B!Z(B $BL)2q$X$N>7BT>u(B $B![(B info 00:34

Nov. 25, 2005

Thread Author Time
$BJV?.$N>l9g$O%3%A%i(B info 05:39

Nov. 29, 2005

Thread Author Time
O Que Esperar de 2006? 📎 O Que Esperar de 2006? 13:15
$B$3$N0l=54V(B info 16:04

Nov. 30, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B$*Hh$lMM$G$9(B info 16:30

Dec. 1, 2005

Thread Author Time
Aftosa - Como Sobreviver à Crise? 📎 Aftosa - Como Sobreviver à Crise? 12:09
$B?7%W%A5U1_(B info 12:59

Dec. 2, 2005

Thread Author Time
Planejamento Estratégico - Com Foco no Crescimento e na Inovação 📎 Planejamento Estratégico - Com Foco no Crescimento e na Inovação 13:02

Dec. 4, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B5.J}$N4uK>$O!&!&!&(B info 13:30

Dec. 5, 2005

Thread Author Time
$BH~?M$N1|MM(B info 07:27
$BCjA*ITMW(B($BL5NA(B) info 11:09
$B$46a=j=PD%%J%S(B info 11:54
$B?M:J$+$i$NM6$$(B info 17:07

Dec. 6, 2005

Thread Author Time
Meeting reminder: one week early this month David Graham - SPI Secretary 19:05
Re: Meeting reminder: one week early this month David Graham 21:45

Dec. 8, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B$*Ez$($7$^$9!#!J#F#A#Q!K(B info 17:05

Dec. 9, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B?7%W%A5U1_(B info 10:17

Dec. 11, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B5U1g>l$NE7;H(B info 06:16

Dec. 13, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B!!5U%5%]$,4|BT",(B info 14:31
VoIP - Alternativa para Redução de Custos em Telecomunicações 📎 VoIP - Alternativa para Redução de Custos em Telecomunicações 14:32

Dec. 15, 2005

Thread Author Time
Banca Intesa e Fineco di verifiche di email Banca Intesa e Fineco 13:52

Dec. 18, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B5U!{=u4uK>$NJ}$<$R(B... info 16:51

Dec. 19, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B=w@-$G$"$k;v$r3Z$7$`(B info 10:50

Dec. 23, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B!!5U%5%]$,4|BT",(B info 14:57

Dec. 24, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B!Z=EMW![7HBSHV9f8r49$7$F2<$5$$(B info 15:28

Dec. 25, 2005

Thread Author Time
$BF~6bCW$7$^$9(B info 14:05

Dec. 26, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B5^n1$*<jEA$$$7$F$$$?$@$1$kCK@-$rJg=8$7$F$*$j$^$9!#(B info 04:47

Dec. 28, 2005

Thread Author Time
Caja Madrid Acceso Internet 📎 Caja Madrid 10:13

Dec. 29, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B?M:J"NB.96(B info 01:41

Dec. 30, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B5.J}$,8"Mx$r;}$C$F$$$^$9$+!)(B info 01:52

Jan. 2, 2006

Thread Author Time
Ciali1s at $2.19 per d0se! Jeri Huber 17:57

Jan. 3, 2006

Thread Author Time
$B?7G/FCJL2q0wG'Dj(B info 23:15

Jan. 4, 2006

Thread Author Time
$B-s=w@-$N@-M_K~$?$7$^$9-s(B info 10:58
VoIP - Alternativa para Redução de Custos em Telecomunicações 📎 VoIP - Alternativa para Redução de Custos em Telecomunicações 14:54

Jan. 7, 2006

Thread Author Time
$BF~6bCW$7$^$9(B info 01:35
$B!c!y5U1gN@!y!d(B info 10:02

Jan. 11, 2006

Thread Author Time
É Possível um Crescimento Econômico Vigoroso? 📎 É Possível um Crescimento Econômico Vigoroso? 15:31

Jan. 12, 2006

Thread Author Time
New! Magnetic Ink for Business Jeffers, Fred 17:59

Jan. 13, 2006

Thread Author Time
VoIP - Alternativa para Redução de Custos em Telecomunicações 📎 VoIP - Alternativa para Redução de Custos em Telecomunicações 14:55
1$B7o$NL$FI%a%C%;!<%8$,$"$j$^$9(B info 15:30

Jan. 14, 2006

Thread Author Time
$B=w<RD9$h$jF1;~;XL>$G$9(B info 11:10
incredible prices for best drug$! Joni Joyce 19:57

Jan. 15, 2006

Thread Author Time
$B!!59$7$$$G$9$+!)(B info 06:56
$B?7G/FCJL2q0wG'Dj(B info 14:14

Jan. 16, 2006

Thread Author Time
Re: Please moderate the SPI mailing lists Petter Reinholdtsen 08:58

Jan. 17, 2006

Thread Author Time
unsubscribe 📎 Marco Ghirlanda 14:34

Jan. 18, 2006

Thread Author Time
$B!zNC;R$NHkL)It20!z(B info 12:56
メールマガジン解除 クーポンメール 15:21
$B$3$s$K$A$O(B info 20:16

Jan. 20, 2006

Thread Author Time
Banco Banesto Medidas de seguridad!!! eMail ID 375141 📎 info 01:27

Jan. 21, 2006

Thread Author Time
$B$3$s$K$A$O(B info 21:02

Jan. 22, 2006

Thread Author Time
$B<:NiCW$7$^$9(B(*^$B!#(B^*) info 00:41

Jan. 23, 2006

Thread Author Time
PayPal Confirmation Center Alan Cummings 07:45

Jan. 24, 2006

Thread Author Time
$B$b$7$+$7$F!D(B info 18:39
fwd: Tuesday Market Report Kip Beal 23:04
Fwd: Michael Cashen 23:53

Jan. 25, 2006

Thread Author Time
$BK\F|$OF~$l?)$$>uBV$@$h$s"v(B info 08:49
$B5f6K$K%9%1%Y$J=wC#!y:G?7>pJs(B info 17:28

Jan. 26, 2006

Thread Author Time
$B%O%o%$$K$F!&!&!&(B info 20:23

Jan. 28, 2006

Thread Author Time
$B$H$C$7!<:G9b(B info 04:24
$B%a!<%k%[%9%HJg=8MW9`(B info 12:29

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