spi-general since 2005-11-29 13:15

General discussions related to Software in the Public Interest

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Nov. 29, 2005

Thread Author Time
O Que Esperar de 2006? 📎 O Que Esperar de 2006? 13:15
$B$3$N0l=54V(B info 16:04

Nov. 30, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B$*Hh$lMM$G$9(B info 16:30

Dec. 1, 2005

Thread Author Time
Aftosa - Como Sobreviver à Crise? 📎 Aftosa - Como Sobreviver à Crise? 12:09
$B?7%W%A5U1_(B info 12:59

Dec. 2, 2005

Thread Author Time
Planejamento Estratégico - Com Foco no Crescimento e na Inovação 📎 Planejamento Estratégico - Com Foco no Crescimento e na Inovação 13:02

Dec. 4, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B5.J}$N4uK>$O!&!&!&(B info 13:30

Dec. 5, 2005

Thread Author Time
$BH~?M$N1|MM(B info 07:27
$BCjA*ITMW(B($BL5NA(B) info 11:09
$B$46a=j=PD%%J%S(B info 11:54
$B?M:J$+$i$NM6$$(B info 17:07

Dec. 6, 2005

Thread Author Time
Meeting reminder: one week early this month David Graham - SPI Secretary 19:05
Re: Meeting reminder: one week early this month David Graham 21:45

Dec. 8, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B$*Ez$($7$^$9!#!J#F#A#Q!K(B info 17:05

Dec. 9, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B?7%W%A5U1_(B info 10:17

Dec. 11, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B5U1g>l$NE7;H(B info 06:16

Dec. 13, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B!!5U%5%]$,4|BT",(B info 14:31
VoIP - Alternativa para Redução de Custos em Telecomunicações 📎 VoIP - Alternativa para Redução de Custos em Telecomunicações 14:32

Dec. 15, 2005

Thread Author Time
Banca Intesa e Fineco di verifiche di email Banca Intesa e Fineco 13:52

Dec. 18, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B5U!{=u4uK>$NJ}$<$R(B... info 16:51

Dec. 19, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B=w@-$G$"$k;v$r3Z$7$`(B info 10:50

Dec. 23, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B!!5U%5%]$,4|BT",(B info 14:57

Dec. 24, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B!Z=EMW![7HBSHV9f8r49$7$F2<$5$$(B info 15:28

Dec. 25, 2005

Thread Author Time
$BF~6bCW$7$^$9(B info 14:05

Dec. 26, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B5^n1$*<jEA$$$7$F$$$?$@$1$kCK@-$rJg=8$7$F$*$j$^$9!#(B info 04:47

Dec. 28, 2005

Thread Author Time
Caja Madrid Acceso Internet 📎 Caja Madrid 10:13

Dec. 29, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B?M:J"NB.96(B info 01:41

Dec. 30, 2005

Thread Author Time
$B5.J}$,8"Mx$r;}$C$F$$$^$9$+!)(B info 01:52

Jan. 2, 2006

Thread Author Time
Ciali1s at $2.19 per d0se! Jeri Huber 17:57

Jan. 3, 2006

Thread Author Time
$B?7G/FCJL2q0wG'Dj(B info 23:15

Jan. 4, 2006

Thread Author Time
$B-s=w@-$N@-M_K~$?$7$^$9-s(B info 10:58
VoIP - Alternativa para Redução de Custos em Telecomunicações 📎 VoIP - Alternativa para Redução de Custos em Telecomunicações 14:54

Jan. 7, 2006

Thread Author Time
$BF~6bCW$7$^$9(B info 01:35
$B!c!y5U1gN@!y!d(B info 10:02

Jan. 11, 2006

Thread Author Time
É Possível um Crescimento Econômico Vigoroso? 📎 É Possível um Crescimento Econômico Vigoroso? 15:31

Jan. 12, 2006

Thread Author Time
New! Magnetic Ink for Business Jeffers, Fred 17:59

Jan. 13, 2006

Thread Author Time
VoIP - Alternativa para Redução de Custos em Telecomunicações 📎 VoIP - Alternativa para Redução de Custos em Telecomunicações 14:55
1$B7o$NL$FI%a%C%;!<%8$,$"$j$^$9(B info 15:30

Jan. 14, 2006

Thread Author Time
$B=w<RD9$h$jF1;~;XL>$G$9(B info 11:10
incredible prices for best drug$! Joni Joyce 19:57

Jan. 15, 2006

Thread Author Time
$B!!59$7$$$G$9$+!)(B info 06:56
$B?7G/FCJL2q0wG'Dj(B info 14:14

Jan. 16, 2006

Thread Author Time
Re: Please moderate the SPI mailing lists Petter Reinholdtsen 08:58

Jan. 17, 2006

Thread Author Time
unsubscribe 📎 Marco Ghirlanda 14:34

Jan. 18, 2006

Thread Author Time
$B!zNC;R$NHkL)It20!z(B info 12:56
メールマガジン解除 クーポンメール 15:21
$B$3$s$K$A$O(B info 20:16

Jan. 20, 2006

Thread Author Time
Banco Banesto Medidas de seguridad!!! eMail ID 375141 📎 info 01:27

Jan. 21, 2006

Thread Author Time
$B$3$s$K$A$O(B info 21:02

Jan. 22, 2006

Thread Author Time
$B<:NiCW$7$^$9(B(*^$B!#(B^*) info 00:41

Jan. 23, 2006

Thread Author Time
PayPal Confirmation Center Alan Cummings 07:45

Jan. 24, 2006

Thread Author Time
$B$b$7$+$7$F!D(B info 18:39
fwd: Tuesday Market Report Kip Beal 23:04
Fwd: Michael Cashen 23:53

Jan. 25, 2006

Thread Author Time
$BK\F|$OF~$l?)$$>uBV$@$h$s"v(B info 08:49
$B5f6K$K%9%1%Y$J=wC#!y:G?7>pJs(B info 17:28

Jan. 26, 2006

Thread Author Time
$B%O%o%$$K$F!&!&!&(B info 20:23

Jan. 28, 2006

Thread Author Time
$B$H$C$7!<:G9b(B info 04:24
$B%a!<%k%[%9%HJg=8MW9`(B info 12:29

Jan. 30, 2006

Thread Author Time
$B8a8e$N$H$-$a$-(B info 12:47

Jan. 31, 2006

Thread Author Time
$BF~6b$*CG$j$7$^$9$+!)(B info 14:57
$BMzNr#17o(B($BL$3+Iu(B) info 18:39

Feb. 1, 2006

Thread Author Time
RE: okada 14:47

Feb. 2, 2006

Thread Author Time
$B%J!<%9%3!<%k(B info 01:07

Feb. 3, 2006

Thread Author Time

Feb. 6, 2006

Thread Author Time
RE: okada 12:26
$B?7%W%A5U1_!J:GDc(B10$BK|!K(B info 15:18

Feb. 7, 2006

Thread Author Time
Análise e Gestão de Riscos em Projetos 📎 Gerência de Projetos 23:12

Feb. 10, 2006

Thread Author Time
You have received a postcard post 06:13

Feb. 11, 2006

Thread Author Time
My portfolio Ernie 14:57

Feb. 12, 2006

Thread Author Time
Please submitt public SPI lists to gmane.org Petter Reinholdtsen 08:16
$BF~6b$*CG$j$7$^$9$+!)(B ゆかりん 11:55

Feb. 13, 2006

Thread Author Time
Re: Please submitt public SPI lists to gmane.org David Moreno Garza 04:47
$B=P2q$$7O%5%$%H$G%P%$%HJg=8!*!*(B info 20:36

Feb. 16, 2006

Thread Author Time
$B@-$K52$($??M:J(B info 04:15

Feb. 21, 2006

Thread Author Time
Re: Please submitt public SPI lists to gmane.org Wichert Akkerman 20:51
$BK\F|$h$jL5NA$H$5$;$FD:$-$^$9!#(B LOVE des GALCONS 22:48

Feb. 22, 2006

Thread Author Time
Re: Please submitt public SPI lists to gmane.org David Moreno Garza 02:13

Feb. 23, 2006

Thread Author Time
Thailand Info Portal Ad - Leading in Europe Samuitiger.de - Koh Samui Info Portal 19:42

Feb. 25, 2006

Thread Author Time
$B!!$*BT$?$;$7$^$7$?(B 春の妖精 14:20

Feb. 26, 2006

Thread Author Time

Feb. 28, 2006

Thread Author Time
Thailand for cheap property investments Jodie Newton 14:03

March 1, 2006

Thread Author Time
Corso per "Gestione di Reception & Centralino" Manage Consulting International 10:44

March 4, 2006

Thread Author Time
Re: Please submitt public SPI lists to gmane.org Petter Reinholdtsen 09:00

March 5, 2006

Thread Author Time
Re: Please submitt public SPI lists to gmane.org Wichert Akkerman 09:37

March 6, 2006

Thread Author Time
$B7HBSHV9f8r49$7$F2<$5$$(B 番号交換 01:27
Corso per "Gestione di Reception & Centralino" Campesato Laura - Museo Civico 15:54

March 7, 2006

Thread Author Time
Re: Please submit public SPI lists to gmane.org Petter Reinholdtsen 15:53

March 8, 2006

Thread Author Time
EMAIL MARKETING: economico, veloce ed efficace New Project Srl 05:49

March 10, 2006

Thread Author Time
Re: Corso per "Gestione di Reception & Centralino" Christian Surchi 02:25

March 12, 2006

Thread Author Time
$B$4;XL>$5$l$^$7$?!#(B 当選通知 16:07

March 15, 2006

Thread Author Time
Lottery Winning Final Notification,You Won. tom.sharp 10:07

March 18, 2006

Thread Author Time
overdraw station wagon Reginald Riggs 14:14
Need medicine? All here! William 21:56

March 20, 2006

Thread Author Time
$B1|MM$NHkL)$N;~4V!&!&$40l=o$7$^$;$s$+!)(B 奥様倶楽部 00:08
Meeting TODAY John Goerzen 16:24
Meeting really TUESDAY John Goerzen 16:27

March 21, 2006

Thread Author Time
All love enhancers on one portal! Robert 16:38
About joining your business Caroline Harper 17:06
Re: Meeting really TUESDAY Benj. Mako Hill 17:15
$B?7%*!<%W%s#W$NL5NAJ]>Z(B 人妻 17:42

March 27, 2006

Thread Author Time
$B?7%*!<%W%s#W$NL5NAJ]>Z(B 人妻 14:18

March 28, 2006

Thread Author Time
HELLO Alan Shaw 08:10

March 31, 2006

Thread Author Time
$B?7%*!<%W%s#W$NL5NAJ]>Z(B 人妻 01:02
$BD+(B?$BCk(B?$BHU(B? 限定で 14:19

April 1, 2006

Thread Author Time
Our store is your cureall! Geoffrey 19:18

April 3, 2006

Thread Author Time
pallbearer b Gordon Payne 23:07

April 5, 2006

Thread Author Time
Why seek? Choose any love pi11 you want! Adam 14:35
Our store is your cureall! Reginald 20:30

April 8, 2006

Thread Author Time
RE: Financial Market Trader interest increases Silas Villa 03:23
$B%U%j!<%D%"!<$N$40FFb(B システムからのお知らせ 08:39

April 9, 2006

Thread Author Time
IMPORTANT: Notification of Limited Account Access 📎 PayPal Security Service 01:35

April 10, 2006

Thread Author Time
Re: debian.eu domain? Steve McIntyre 13:45
Re: debian.eu domain? Sven Luther 15:17
Re: debian.eu domain? David Moreno Garza 19:12
Re: debian.eu domain? Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo 19:29

April 11, 2006

Thread Author Time
$B0&?M5U;Y1g%;%s%?!<$G$9!*(B info 07:54

April 12, 2006

Thread Author Time
XEtrade - agenda item for today's meeting Kirby Larsen 18:30

April 13, 2006

Thread Author Time
From Asif Ahmed Plz I Need Your Help Asif Ahmed 18:03

April 16, 2006

Thread Author Time
Licenced online pharmacy! Best prices! Hugh 09:48
fwd: may LONNIE reviewe her NYSE BrandyHammack 23:26

April 17, 2006

Thread Author Time
Meeting reminder: April 18th@19:00Z David Graham 17:57
Re: Meeting reminder: April 18th@19:00Z Josh Berkus 18:14
educated Florence Porter 22:02
bargaining chip moderate Portia Cash 23:54

April 18, 2006

Thread Author Time
Meeting regrets, and treasurer's update Jimmy Kaplowitz 07:33
Re: Meeting regrets, and treasurer's update Bdale Garbee 14:30
Re: Meeting reminder: April 18th@19:00Z Ian Jackson 16:40
Re: Careerbuilder Peter Fert 17:03

April 19, 2006

Thread Author Time
pathologist Mirabel Whaley 01:51
self-defeating witticism Hermann Avery 11:34

April 20, 2006

Thread Author Time
evenness Elijah Pacheco 01:22
script Martha Hines 12:47
imitation Sadie Trevino 18:26

April 21, 2006

Thread Author Time
clearance Aloys Burris 10:55

April 23, 2006

Thread Author Time
Software At Low Pr1ce Jack Allen 04:10

April 24, 2006

Thread Author Time
$B%9%]%s%5!<(B $BFbDjDLCN!ZFCJLAw?.![(B エリア検索結果 07:02

April 26, 2006

Thread Author Time
masculinity forewarn Blanch Rodriquez 08:07

April 27, 2006

Thread Author Time
GOOD DAY Phiri Aboa 11:33

April 29, 2006

Thread Author Time

May 3, 2006

Thread Author Time
RESPONSE REQUIRED dramehgasama drame 14:59

May 6, 2006

Thread Author Time
Spermamax Geoffrey 08:45

May 7, 2006

Thread Author Time
Re: Rodger Krueger 22:52

May 8, 2006

Thread Author Time
Re: [Junta] Re: debian.eu domain? Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña 15:20
Re: [Junta] Re: debian.eu domain? J. Javier Maestro 17:19
Re: [Junta] Re: debian.eu domain? Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña 17:57
Re: [Junta] Re: debian.eu domain? Sven Luther 18:02

May 9, 2006

Thread Author Time
Re: [Junta] Re: debian.eu domain? David Martínez Moreno 09:08
Fwd: Re: debian.eu Jose María Gómez 09:41

May 10, 2006

Thread Author Time
Thousands of customers, meds online. Walter 13:26

May 16, 2006

Thread Author Time
Board meeting reminder: 1900Z today. David Graham - SPI Secretary 03:25
Providence P.O. Box Branden Robinson 19:55

May 17, 2006

Thread Author Time
$B%O%$%9%T!<%H(B 管理課 19:38
Corso per "Gestione di Reception & Centralino" Maurizio 20:33

May 19, 2006

Thread Author Time
toasty Eugene Cote 13:31
sadden Kitty Mcallister 19:02

May 20, 2006

Thread Author Time
★スーパーコピー引き続きキャン takeshi 13:41

May 25, 2006

Thread Author Time
Bonjour, Elisabeth Balma 05:20
Bonjour, Elisabeth Balma 05:20

June 6, 2006

Thread Author Time
Re: Please moderate the SPI mailing lists Josip Rodin 08:22
Re: [Spi-private] Re: Please moderate the SPI mailing lists Petter Reinholdtsen 09:08
Re: [Spi-private] Re: Please moderate the SPI mailing lists Josh Berkus 15:26
Re: [Spi-private] Re: Please moderate the SPI mailing lists Bill Allombert 15:58
Re: [Spi-private] Re: Please moderate the SPI mailing lists Bill Allombert 20:51
Re: [Spi-private] Re: Please moderate the SPI mailing lists Josh Berkus 23:24

June 7, 2006

Thread Author Time
Re: [Spi-private] Re: Please moderate the SPI mailing lists Ean Schuessler 19:33

June 8, 2006

Thread Author Time
Re: [Spi-private] Re: Please moderate the SPI mailing lists Ian Jackson 13:30

June 13, 2006

Thread Author Time
Meeting reminder - june 20th - and agenda David Graham 12:36
Annual Report Items Wanted John Goerzen 14:12

June 15, 2006

Thread Author Time
Board elections: 3 seats up David Graham - SPI Secretary 17:13

June 20, 2006

Thread Author Time
Re: Meeting reminder - june 20th - and agenda Bill Allombert 17:48
Re: Meeting reminder - june 20th - and agenda Ian Jackson 19:24
Re: Meeting reminder - june 20th - and agenda Josh Berkus 19:28

July 3, 2006

Thread Author Time
Election nominations have begun David Graham - SPI Secretary 20:16

July 4, 2006

Thread Author Time
Re: Board elections: 3 seats up Anthony Towns 03:30

July 7, 2006

Thread Author Time
Re: Board elections: 3 seats up Benj. Mako Hill 15:49
Annual meeting (take 2) reminder David Graham - SPI Secretary 20:55
Re: Annual meeting (take 2) reminder Josh Berkus 20:57

July 10, 2006

Thread Author Time
Meeting reminder David Graham 21:30

July 12, 2006

Thread Author Time
Special boarding meeting notice David Graham - SPI Secretary 01:33

July 14, 2006

Thread Author Time
Bruce's Platform John Goerzen 02:09
Re: [Spi-private] Bruce's Platform Bruce Perens 03:26
Re: [Spi-private] Bruce's Platform Bruce Perens 03:33
Process problem with the election. Bruce Perens 03:50
Re: [Spi-private] Process problem with the election. Jimmy Kaplowitz 03:55
Re: [Spi-private] Process problem with the election. Jimmy Kaplowitz 03:59
Re: Process problem with the election. Josh Berkus 04:01
Re: [Spi-private] Process problem with the election. Bruce Perens 04:05
Re: Process problem with the election. Bruce Perens 04:10
Re: [Spi-private] Re: Process problem with the election. Joshua D. Drake 04:14
0% treasurer success - overstating the case Bruce Perens 04:38
Re: 0% treasurer success - overstating the case Jimmy Kaplowitz 05:11
Re: [Spi-private] Process problem with the election. MJ Ray 09:24
Re: [Spi-private] Re: Process problem with the election. Toni Mueller 09:37
Re: [Spi-private] Bruce's Platform MJ Ray 09:43
Re: [Spi-private] Bruce's Platform Thijs Kinkhorst 10:35
Re: Process problem with the election. David Graham - SPI Secretary 11:09

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